19. Gray's Help.

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Two weeks later

Jellal's POV:

     It had been a long time since Gray talked to me, a month probably. He had been giving me these weird stares as if he was trying to get a read on me everytime I did anything. I didn't understand him.

     On the other hand, my crush on Erza Scarlet had turned into something bigger. I felt nice when she noticed me and acknowledged my existence. She was pretty nice - a kind but brave girl. It wasn't just because of looks that I had fallen for her.

     She was a good friend and a responsible student too. Erza was radiant, her presence declared her strong heart, and she was the most beautiful person I knew. But I couldn't let myself drown in those thoughts. 'That's distraction, Jellal!! Stop thinking about Erza! Love is stupid. Understand? Stuuuupid!'

     I focused my attention back to my friends and found Gray looking at my face again. I sighed. 'Maybe I should talk to him about Erza... And also ask him what the heck is wrong with him. Did he fall  for me or something..?'

     I spoke, loud enough for Gray to listen, "Hey, Gray. Can you meet me after school? I need to talk to you." He nodded and said, "Okay." But after that he never once looked at me. For some reason, I thought that Gray had a look on his face that screamed 'I knew it!'.

     I got through all the lectures, unable to pay attention in any of them. When school ended, I walked out of my Maths class and was headed for the exit when Gray suddenly popped up infront of me.

     "Hey Jellal... You wanted to talk to me, right?" He said, grinning. I replied, "Yes, but there's nothing to smile about in that. Let's walk." Gray shrugged and said, "Okay. I asked the others to go ahead so we can walk home while you talk."

     We started on our way in silence. After a while, Gray cleared his throat and looked at me with expectant eyes. I too, cleared my throat and started talking, "So... uh... Erza Scarlet... I like her. I don't know what to do. It's all very confusing. I need help... you can say."

     "That was brief..." Gray replied. "I don't need comments on how I speak. I came to you because you're the only one who knows..  And can help me." I retorted. "Yeah, yeah. I know." Gray said, waving his hand.

     "Do you want me to set you two up?" Gray asked me. I was flabbergasted. I replied, "No! No! Are you kidding me? I don't even know her that much... She doesn't even know my name! What the heck are you blabbering?!"

     I took a deep breath and said, "When I said 'I need help' I meant that I am confused about the situation, and don't know how I am supposed to act. I did not say that I want to make her my girlfriend." Gray looked at me confused. He said, "I don't get you, Jellal."

     "You say you like her... But you don't want her to be your girlfriend?" He continued. I sighed and said, "It's not about making her my girlfriend... I want to know how I can get out of this... This mess."

     "Ohhhh. I see. You're stupid." Gray said. "What?" I asked him. He replied, "Nothing. It's funny that you think you can get out of this mess. But whatever. I can't do anything in that case."

     "Wh-what do you mean you can't do anything?" I asked him desperately. He coolly replied, "I could have helped you if you wanted her to like you back or something... But this is kinda ridiculous. I understand that you don't want to love and all that, but..."

      "But what?" I urged him. "...You are the studious one here, Jellal! You should know that you're in your teenage years and all this stuff is bound to happen! You don't get out of this mess. You can get over it or deeper into it... Not out of it." He continued.

     "Well, in that case..." I said slowly, "...I would like to know her better." Gray suddenly smiled and said, "Okay, then! I can help you. I can give you all information available. You can rely on me for that!"

     I smiled slightly, knowing that my cheeks were red. Gray was laughing at me looking flustered. Thankfully, my house came in sight and I dashed in without bothering to say goodbye to Gray. I could hear Gray snicker and say bye to me behind my back.

     I closed the door behind me and let out a sigh of relief. 'This Gray... I'll wait till he falls for a girl... Then just wait and watch Gray, I'll tease the life out of you.' I put my bag onto the couch and went into the kitchen.

     Suddenly my phone buzzed. I checked it and found a text from Gray. Hey Jellal. Here's what I found till now-
Name: Erza Scarlet.
Age: 16
School: Fiore High.
Friends: Lucy Heartfilia, Juvia Lockser, Wendy Marvell, Levy McGarden.
Family: N.A.
Contact No.: Wait for a few days.
Social Media: N.A.

     Whoa. I didn't expect Gray to do... this. 'How did he do it?!' I quickly texted back to him, doubting his express service methods.
Hey Gray. How did you find all this stuff?? You better not have done anything illegal! Don't get yourself into trouble.

     I waited for a few minutes for him to read the message and reply, but he didn't. I left my phone on a table and proceeded to find something to eat. After rummaging through the fridge for a while, I found a good sandwich.

     I changed into comfortable clothes and started to do my homework. By the time it was done, it was late and I was feeling sleepy. Not feeling much hungry, I picked up my phone from the table and went to my bedroom.

     I unlocked my phone to check for a text from Gray. There was one notification from Gray that I opened hastily.
Don't worry Jellal. I got this info from my sources. Nothing illegal there XD.
Though his sources sounded suspicious, I smiled at his message. I could trust him to not get himself into trouble. He was probably the most sensible person in the group...after me.



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