7. New Friends.

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Erza's POV:

     When I woke up in the morning, Hynhe had already left. She had left me a note saying goodbye. I went to the kitchen and saw that breakfast was ready. 'Hynhe... Thanks...' I had my breakfast and left for school.


Erza's POV:

     I sat down next to Lucy. She said to me, "Today we are gonna introduce you to some more friends. And you are gonna like them!" She smiled happily.

     "I can't wait!" I smiled back. Juvia came in and sat on the other side of Lucy. She was looking giddy and flushed. Lucy asked her, "Juvia, are you not feeling well?"

     Juvia gave her a sheepish smile and said, "Juvia couldn't be feeling any better. Juvia is alright." Lucy looked at her suspiciously. Then realisation hit her and she smirked evilly.

     "Juvia, what really happened?" Lucy said slowly to let every word sink in. Juvia became flustered and hid her face in her hands. Then she slowly looked at us and said, "G-gray-s-sama... I-"

     But at that time Mr.Gildarts came in and everyone stopped talking. Lucy passed Juvia a chit, and then made another one, passing it to me. It said-

     Erza, Juvia's gonna tell us about it during lunch. Make sure to be there!! ;)

     I gave her a nod and put the chit in my pocket.


Lucy's POV:

     I sat down on our usual table. No one was there yet, so I sat down waiting for them. Someone called out to me from behind. I turned around to see Wendy walking up to me.

     I gave her a smile as she joined me. She smiled back and said, "How are you, Lucy?" I replied, "I am great. Things are about to get interesting here. You might wanna wait." I grinned.

     She smiled nervously at me and said, "F-fine, then." I looked around the cafeteria spotting Erza coming towards us. I waved at her and she waved back. Erza joined us and we waited for Juvia.

     Juvia and Levy came together and sat down. I instantly pounced on Juvia, "So... Juvia? What happened earlier about Gray-sama?"

     Juvia instantly turned red and we all chuckled. Juvia hesitantly answered, "G-gray-y-s-sama..." She flushed even redder and continued, " Juvia w-was walking to school this m- morning... When Juvia accidentally st-stumbled... And Gray-s-sama... Caught Juvia in his arms..." Her face rivalled Erza's hair by now.

     Then her eyes glazed and she was lost in a world of her own while I giggled along with Levy. Erza was smiling too and Wendy giggled quietly. I decided to not trouble Juvia any more and pulled out my sandwich.

Erza's POV:

     After lunch, we all went to our separate classes, agreeing to meet after school so that Lucy could introduce me to her friends. I entered my classroom and took a seat near the window.

     The teacher entered and started History class. I was paying attention till half way through when the lecture become more boring. All the history was taking a toll on me and the soft breeze coming through the window tried to lull me to sleep.

     I tried my best to stay awake and focus on what was being taught. It was really hard, but when I was about to give up the bell rang and the teacher stopped. I thanked the heavens and got out to get to my next class.

After School

Erza's POV:

     I stood at the entrance waiting for Lucy. After a while I spotted Lucy in a small crowd of girls along with Levy and Juvia. Lucy waved at me cheerfully and I gave her a smile.

     The group of girls stopped near me and Lucy started to introduce them to me, "This is Mirajane - Mira, as we call her, Lisanna, her younger sister, Wendy, and Cana."They all smiled at me politely. I introduced myself, "I am Erza Scarlet. Nice to meet you all!", and gave a small bow.

     Cana said, "Nice to meet you too, Erza. But I will get going now. Have stuff to do. Bye guys!" She walked away from us waving her arm. Lucy snickered, "She meant drinking..."

     "Hello, I am Wendy. Nice to meet you Erza!" A small voice spoke. I remembered her from lunch. She gave me close eyed smile and I returned it.

     I looked over to the other girls. Lucy and Lisanna were calming down Mirajane, who seemed to be very excited. Her eyes were sparkling as she muttered incoherent words - which sounded like names- under her breath. The confusion must have shown on my face, cause Lisanna gave me a nervous smile and said, "It's nothing, really. Just don't let her find you with a guy...he he.."

     "Erza and a guy?! Who?" Mirajane snapped out of her.. trance.. and looked around wildly. Lucy said, "It's no one Mira... Don't just go shipping people..."

     I sweat-dropped. 'She was shipping me with guys... When I barely know any...' She then gave me a small smile, having calmed down, and said, "See you around Erza! Bye!" And left with her sister. Lisanna gave me a nod before leaving.

     Lucy sighed. Juvia, Levy and Wendy were engrossed in a conversation next to us. Lucy called them and we all started our way home.

     Juvia and I parted with the others and waved them goodbye. When we were about halfway to our respective homes, Juvia spoke up in a tiny voice. "Juvia wants to make c-cake for G-gray-sama..."

     I didn't catch her words. She continued, "And Juvia needs help. Juvia doesn't know how to make a cake..." She looked up at me with a pleading face. "U-uh.. Yeah, I-i can help, I guess... What do you need help with?" I spoke.

     Juvia looked around before answering, "Juvia wants to make cake. For Gray-sama..." She blushed. My eyes lit up at the word 'cake'. I nodded, "I can help you." Juvia smiled happily and said, "Thankyou Erza! Can you come over to my place?"

     Our houses loomed into view and I asked,"Right now?" Juvia shook her head and said, "Well, in some time... Juvia was planning to give the cake to Gray-sama tomorrow...so..."

     I thought and answered, "It's fine with me. I am free. I can help to make the cake today." Juvia smiled and thanked me turning for her house. I walked to mine and opened the door.

     I put the bag onto the sofa and went into the kitchen to grab a snack. Afterwards, I took my phone and started searching for cake recipes as I walked over to Juvia's house.

Jellal's POV:

     I sat down on my chair and pulled out my homework. I slammed the books on my desk and flipped through the pages till I found the one I was looking for. I grabbed a pen and started doing the homework.

     'I didn't see her in school today... Probably she was absent. Was she ill? No,no...Why would she not come to school then? Probably she did come to school. I just didn't see her...'

     I shook my thoughts away and tried to do my homework. But I couldn't concentrate. 'What could be her name? Something nice, I guess...-' "Gah!!!"I shouted, interrupting my thoughts. 'Why do I keep thinking about that girl. I don't even like her! I can't like her... Jellal, get your head in the right place. Stop thinking about her.'

     I took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. I took my pen in my hand and tried to do my homework.

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