35. Stuck.

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Two Weeks Later

Jellal's POV:

     Taking Erza's words to heart, I had started behaving nicer. Atleast that's what I believed. Though, for some reason, this had made many girls suddenly distant from me. Not that I was complaining.

     We had P.E. before Lunch. So the class made their way to the Gym in their Gym clothes. Our P.E. teacher, Mr. Jura was waiting in the Gym. Today, the boys were supposed to play tennis and the girls were to play volleyball.

     Mr. Jura had everything ready for us when we came. He split the girls into two teams and had them play against each other. The boys just had to take turns and play.

     After playing my part, I went to have some rest. Gray was done too, so I sat besides him. While I was resting, I watched Erza play. She was put in the same team as Levy. From the looks of it, their coordination was good. But sadly, by the end of the class, Erza's team had lost.

     Mr. Jura asked me to put the balls and other equipment back in the Gym's storage room. So, after the bell rang, I started to pick up the tennis balls and put them into their box. "I'll help you..." A voice said from behind me.

     It was Erza. "Oh, no. You don't have to help. I'll do it." I said to her. She replied, "I'm fine with it. Just tell me where things go." I laughed lightly and said, "You know, Gray should have been the one to help me right now... Not you."

     "Gray remembered that he had something to do... He was coming to help you too." Erza said. I kept the box in my hand aside and put the racquets together. I said, "Well, I guess I would appreciate help..."

     "Great. Now where do I keep this?" Erza asked me, picking up the box I had filled. I took the racquets and walked her to the storage room. Then we came back for the volleyballs.

     I filled Erza's hands with as many balls as I could and she went to the storage room. I picked up the rest of the balls and went after her.

     The door was slightly closed, so I kicked it open and went in. The room was dimly lit as ever and a bit dusty. The door closed behind me as I put the balls in their place. Erza stood there, waiting for me to be done.

     "Thank you." I said to her. She smiled and replied, "No problem." "Let's get outta here... Lunch awaits." I said and we started to make our way out. I reached the door and pulled on its handle.

     The door didn't budge. I tried again, but it wouldn't open. "What happened?" Erza's voice asked. "Uh... The door isn't opening..." I replied. She came forward and tried opening, it still didn't open.

     "Maybe it's locked... From the outside." She said. I sighed and said, "That's possible. But the key is with Mr. Jura and he won't trap us in here." She sighed too.

     Then, she banged her fist on the door, the sound of the metal resounding across the Gym. She shouted, "Hey! Is anyone there? We're stuck in here!" There was no answer. She tried once again and then gave up. I had no hope of anyone being around the Gym during Lunch.

     "Let's wait here for a while... They'll notice we're not there..." I said to her. "Okay." She said. I took a seat on the floor and invited her to sit next to me, "It'll probably be a while."

     She nodded again and sat next to me. We sat their in silence, each in our own thoughts. 'Who would do this? Can't think of anyone... Oh... I swear... If it turns out that Gray is somehow behind this, I'll murder him.' For some reason, I felt that Gray was behind this.

     We sat there in silence. I tried to make small talk as the silence got awkward. "You play good today..." I spoke, breaking the silence. "Oh. Thanks." She replied, "You played good too." "Thanks." I said and the conversation died there.

     We sat in silence again for about fifteen minutes. Then Erza got up and said to me with a straight face, "Let's break open the door." I couldn't believe what I heard. I asked her, "What?"

     "Let's break the door open. We're still in our Gym clothes. We need to get into our uniform before the next class..." She said. "But... It's school property. We can't damage it..." I said, trying to change her mind.

     "We also can't afford to miss the rest of school. Or the next lecture. It's science. " She said in a matter-of-fact voice. I couldn't argue. She was right. "Okay" I said, "Let's break it open."

     She stood in front of the door, her shoulders perpendicular to it. I took the handle in my hand and pulled it in the open position and took stance in front of Erza.

     "On the count of three..." I said, "One... Two...Three!" I braced my shoulder for the impact and rammed it into the door. I felt Erza collide with the door simultaneously beside me. It made a loud booming noise, but the door stayed locked. My shoulder started to throb slightly, but I ignored it.

     "Again?" Erza asked me. "Yeah" I replied, "One... Two... Three!" We rammed into the door again. Boom. I felt the door lurch, becoming looser. But it was still locked.

     "Hey! What are you doing? You'll break the door!" A voice shouted from outside. "We're stuck in here! Please help us!" Erza shouted from beside me. "Stay clear. I'll open it." The voice replied.

     I pulled Erza away from the door as it sprang open to reveal Mr. Jura. "Thank you, sir." I said, bowing. He was looking disgruntled when I looked up again. He said, "Leave. The break will end in a few minutes."

     I followed Erza out as Mr. Jura checked the lock. We had walked only a few steps when he spoke again, "Have these. You must be hungry." I turned to see Mr. Jura throw us a couple of energy bars. I caught them in my hands and thanked him. "And ask Gray Fullbuster to meet me after school." He said. I nodded and went after Erza, handing her a bar.

     We were barely out into the corridors with our uniforms on when the bell rang, signalling the end of Lunch. We ran the rest of the way to our class. As expected, we were the last ones to enter, but thankfully the teacher wasn't there.

     As I took my seat, I called Gray. "Hey, Gray. Mr. Jura wants to meet you after school... I wonder why?" My last sentence dripped with venom, I glared at him, eyes narrowed. He grinned at me and said, "So do I..." He turned in his seat, facing front as the teacher entered the class.


(A/n): Hello! I hope you're enjoying the story. So, first of all, OH MY. More than 5K views! Thank you so much <3 Secondly, More than 200 votes! Thank you so much for that!! This is so awesome! Thank you so much, my precious readers! (╥﹏╥) Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!!! <3

Next Update: 6th July, 2020.

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