34. Peace Offering.

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Two Weeks Later

Erza's POV:

     Whatever Jellal said, his behaviour gave him away. I could see that he was trying, but it definitely wasn't working. There was a huge difference between how he behaved with the guys and us. Me in particular. I knew why that was.

     'It's obvious he is still angry with me. Who wouldn't be... It's understandable...' I thought as I sifted ingredients into the bowl. The cooking club had started activites while trying to recruit new members.

     Kinana made rounds as usual, after completing her own batter. I started to mix the batter. Kinana approached my counter and said, "The consistency is great, Erza." I smiled at her compliment and said, "Thank you, President." She smiled and passed to another counter.

     I was making chocolate cake. Laki, next to me was making a vanilla cake. I tasted a bit of the batter to check it's sweetness. It tasted good. So, I poured the batter into a greased pan and put it into the oven.

     Many of the others too had put their batters into the oven and were cleaning their counters. Kinana helped the new members of the club every now and then. I cleaned my counter and packed up the remaining items.

     Laki finished putting her batter into the oven and came to me. She smiled and said, "How did it go?" I replied, "So far, so good. I hope it bakes well..." She said, "Don't worry. Even if it goes wrong, you can ask President for advice... She'll be able to help you."

     "I'll keep that in mind." I said to Laki, looking over to where Kinana was helping a new member mix her batter. Laki hummed and went to check how her cake was going. I too took a look from the small transparent glass. It seemed good.

     I rested my hips at the counter, waiting. 'What can I do to make him not be angry with me? Well, he dosen't seem to hate me, which is a good thing... Being his classmate is a good thing too.' As his sad face loomed infront of my eyes, I felt that familiar pang of guilt again.

     I screwed my eyes, trying to get that image to disappear. 'I'm so horrible... Ugh... I'll be nicer. I'll show him that I'm a better person.'

     After a while, it was time to take the cake out. I poked it and checked whether it was done or not. The pin came out clean. Happily, I took the pan out and let it cool down.

     I watched Laki take out her pan and we waited for it to cool before cutting it at the sides and into a plate. I cut the upper part to make it smooth. I tasted the parts I had removed. As Kinana passed by, I called her, "President, please taste this!"

     She took a piece a popped it into her mouth. She smiled and said, "It's delicious. Great work, Erza." I grinned and thanked her. 'Now, icing.'

     After a quarter of an hour, I was done with the icing. It looked nice. I thought of sharing it when a thought struck me. 'I can give it to Jellal tomorrow! He'll like it hopefully... This will be a peace offering.'

     Kinana gathered everyone's attention and said, "It's late everyone. Complete your cakes at home now. Meet you next session. Good bye." We all started packing our cakes. I left the club room with Laki. Kinana was waiting for everyone to leave, she had to close the club room after all.

Next Day

Jellal's POV:

     Erza approached me as Gray and I left the classroom for Lunch. She held out a box for me. I took it hesitantly and asked her, "What's this?" She replied, "Chocolate cake. We made it yesterday in cooking club. I hope you like it."

     "Thank you... But why?" I asked her, puzzled. She just smiled and said, "It's... Kind of a peace offering. Hoping that you'll forgive me."

     I said, "But I have forgiven you..." She shook her head and said, "No. Not really. And I can understand that... You behave differently towards me, distanced. I have noticed." "Oh.." I said, "I didn't realize..."

     Gray then interrupted, "Yeah, whatever. You forgive her and accept her cake. He'll be nice to you. Great! Let's go to the cafeteria now... You'll waste the break here otherwise." I was a bit angry at him, but followed him and Erza to the cafeteria.

     There, at our table, I opened the box Erza gave me. There was a beautiful cake, complete with icing. I looked at her and said, "It looks delicious." She smiled and replied, "Thank you. Please have it and tell me if it really is."

     I took it out and cut it, sharing with everyone. I took a bite from my part. The cake was sweet and soft. It was probably the best cake I had ever had. Mouth still full, I looked at Erza with my eyes wide open and tried to speak.

     But Erza waved her hand and said, "It's okay! I understand. Speak after you have swallowed." I quickly ate the piece and said, "It's really tasty. I love it." Everyone was giving her compliments by now.

     She blushed and thanked us all. Her face was still red when she turned to me and said, "I hope you really have forgiven me and... I really want you to know that I am sorry."

     I smiled and replied, "Even if I had not forgiven you, I would now. For this delicious cake." She laughed and said, "Thank you, Jellal." I nodded and watched as she turned towards Lucy and started talking to her.

     'Well... I'm glad she was thinking this. Atleast she is not taking my behaviour towards her as something else...' I sighed in relief. 'Its about time I corrected it too. I must behave as a friend. Only friend.'

     "Ah... That reminds me..." Erza turned towards me and spoke in a whisper, "I would really appreciate it if you could be nicer..." I got confused. I said to her, "But I have been nice... I don't understand."

     She explained, "I meant to others. I know you are nice to your friends... But you should be nicer to others too." She turned back. I understood what she was saying, even though my mind was conflicted about it. 'I should try that...for her.'


Next Update: 29th June, 2020.

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