13. Knowing People.

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Two weeks later

Erza's POV:

     It's been two weeks since we hung out. Teachers have started giving homework, a lot. The repairs of the house are done. I have gotten closer to my friends and their friends.

     It's almost been a month since I came here. It doesn't feel that long though. Almost everyone around here now knows of my existence. Today is the start to a new week, another Monday.

     I walked with Juvia to school. As usual, when we reached the classroom, we were greeted by Lucy. We took our seats. Like everyday, Mr. Gildarts stepped into the room and everyone fell silent and took their seats.

     Everything was going according to the routine. After school, we left together. Juvia and I parted and reached home together. I had gotten used to this life now. But after I came home, my phone rang. I picked it up.
"Hello, Erza."
"Hi Hynhe."
"Listen, we are coming over next week. On Tuesday, probably."
"Really?! Good to know! Come as soon as possible!"
"We are just coming over because Juliet wanted to see that everything was fine."
"Ah! Tell Juliet I am very eager to meet her."
"I will."
"Thanks Hynhe."
"Take care. See you Tuesday. Bye."
"Yeah. Bye."

     It felt nice talking to Hynhe. I had dinner and went to bed soon after.

Next Day

Erza's POV:

     I walked down the corridor towards my class in the morning. That's when I saw him. He looked at me and ignored me, thankfully. The last time I saw him was at the park, and the memory still embarrassed me. I looked at him again, and for some reason there was a smug smile in his face. 'How I want to wipe that smile off his face!'

     I continued walking towards my class, trying to forget about him. But for some reason, the universe didn't like my plans.


Erza's POV:

      Noone was there yet. So I decided to catch a table for us and wait for others to come. I saw a empty table not too far away, with enough place for six people. I walked around other tables and reached the empty one quickly. I put my bag on one of the table with a 'thud' and was about to sit down when I heard another 'thud'.

     I saw another bag placed on the table. A bag that did not belong to any of my friends. I looked up to see who it was. 'Jellal.' I straightened and said as politely as I could, "Please get your bag off of our table. I caught it first."

     He just gave me an amused smile and said, "Oh. Sorry." He picked up his bag and left. I was shocked. I never thought I would hear him accept his mistake, much less say sorry to anyone. I stared after him as he made his way through the tables trying to find another table.

     My moment of surprise was cut short when Lucy and Levy came to the table followed by Juvia. Lucy cheerfully greeted me and I smiled at her. But I couldn't really get the fact that he said sorry out of my mind. So, I asked her, when everyone was seated. "Hey Lucy, does Jellal say 'sorry' often?"

     Lucy stared at me for a moment before answering, "Not often, but he may say sorry depending on who he is talking to. He usually says sorry to the teachers if he's done something wrong."

     "How about students?" I asked her. She replied, "Not really. I, personally, have never seen him say sorry to any student. Not even his friends." "Neither have I. I don't think he is capable of doing that." Levy said. Juvia giggled. "True, even Juvia has never heard him say sorry to anyone but the teachers."

     'Well... Then why did he say sorry to me? Probably he thought that he was actually wrong for once...? Or maybe-' My train of thought stopped when Wendy came, holding a white cat in her hand. The left hand of the cat was bandaged. Wendy slowly placed it on the table.

     She looked at us and smiled. "I found this cat in the school grounds. She was injured when I found her. So, I took her to the infirmary. The nurse bandaged her and told me to take care of her. I am gonna keep her. What do you think?" She said.

     The cat was cute. We all agreed with Wendy. Lucy asked, "Does she have a name?" Wendy petted the cat lightly and said, "I don't know. But I am thinking of naming her Charles."

     "Nice name." Levy said. I nodded in agreement. We pampered Charles during lunch and Wendy took her away when lunch ended. We went to our classes. I had art with Lucy, so we went together.

After school

Erza's POV:

     I left the school building with Levy. We waited for Lucy, Juvia and Wendy. A while later, Lucy and Juvia came. We waited for Wendy. When she came, she had Charles with her. Wendy held Charles in her hands and stroked her. She came over to us and we started walking across the grounds.

     Wendy said, "The teachers didn't allow me to keep her in the classroom, so I had to keep her in the infirmary. Sorry for being late." "It's okay, Wendy. We are glad that Charles is safe." I replied.

     I turned forward and bumped into someone. "Ah.. Sorry!" I said. I looked over to see if the person was okay. "Tch." It was Jellal. I instantly turned my face away and tried to talk to my friends. But that was not to happen.

     Gray was with him. Gray came forward to thank Juvia for the cookies. "Thank you Juvia. The cookies were tasty." Juvia turned crimson and said, "Juvia i-is glad Gray-sa- uh.. Gray liked her cookies!" Gray chuckled.

     Then it was Lucy. She was staring at Natsu. Natsu was staring at her. They were just staring at each other without saying a single word. I had moved to the back of the group. Everyone was looking at Natsu and Lucy. Jellal then broke the moment by placing a hand on his shoulder and pulling him down to Earth.

     Lucy too, broke out of her trance. The groups drifted as we made our ways out of the school. 'Why does the universe not like me? I don't see the bastard for two weeks. Two beautiful weeks. And then suddenly I have to see his face thrice in a day??! Ugh... And why did he have to stop Natsu? What was his problem if Natsu and Lucy liked each other? Why did he have to...! Ugh... He is a bastard! He didn't even say sorry after bumping into me. Again.' I shook my head, trying to clear my thoughts.

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