32. Another Year.

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One Month Later

Erza's POV:

     The exams were over and we were enjoying the last week of March, the holidays to the next year at high school. Our next year would be starting on April 1st, Friday, with the start of spring.

     When I woke up on Tuesday, two days before the school starts, it was 10:00 in the morning. I had been waking up late for the past few days, since the exams ended. We were now expecting results, waiting for them anxiously as the new year loomed closer.

     Like I had been doing since the last few days, I checked the mailbox first thing in the morning after breakfast. I made my way to the mailbox barefoot and wrenched the rusty box open.

     To my horror, there was a letter inside, with a seal of the school on it. I took it in my trembling hands and pulled it out. On the envelope was my name and address with the seal and address of Fiore High School.

     I was contemplating whether to open it right away or not, my toes digging into the  cool soil. I decided to open it inside and ran back to the house. Careful not to spread too much dirt, I kept the letter on a table and went to wash my feet.

     After my feet were clean and dry, I took the letter and sat on the couch. I tore open the envelope and let the contents fall into my hands. There were three sheets of paper. I opened one of them which was the information for my next year at the highschool.

     I kept it on the table and opened another sheet. It was the result. I had passed all the subjects with good marks. Slightly above average even. A grin formed on my face and I rushed to call Hynhe and Juliet.

"Hello? Hynhe?"
"Hello, Erza."
"Hynhe, how are you guys?"
"We're fine. How are you doing? Did you get your results yet?"
"I'm good. Just got the results. I passed with good marks!"
"That's great, Erza!"
"Thanks... Where's Juliet?"
"Ah, I'll give her the phone. Wait."
"Hello, Juliet."
"Erza! I heard that you passed with good marks. Well done!"
"Thank you, Juliet."
"Your mother would be proud of you."
"Will you be coming to meet me anytime soon?"
"U-uh... I don't think so... There's a lot of work piling up at the moment. I'm sorry, Erza..."
"It's okay. Let me know when you have the time."
"Bye. Have a nice day."

     I kept my phone aside and my hand unconsciously wrapped itself around the blade of my locket. Couple of days ago was mom's death anniversary. I wanted to visit her grave, but Hynhe had told me to not come as school was starting. So I had offered her flowers and incense in a small shrine I made in the house.

     I picked up the third sheet of paper. It had my classroom and timetable on it. 'Class 3-A... I wonder who I'll have as classmates...' I remembered that the others must have got their letters too.

     I quickly walked over to the window nearest to Juvia's house. There was no one in the front yard, but the mailbox was hanging open. 'Juvia must have got the letter! Should I call her? Should I wait for her to do something?'

     While I was torn between the two, my phone rang. At the same time, out of the corner of my eye, I saw Juvia leave her house. I picked up my phone from the  sofa and taking one look at the caller ID, answered it.
"Hello, Lucy."
"Hey, Erza!"
"You got the letter?"
"Yep! Which class are you in?"

      The doorbell rang. I went to open the door, answering Lucy at the same time.
"Class 3-A. What about you?"
"That sucks, man! I'm in class 3-B..."
     Juvia was standing at the door. I gestured her in and turned back to the call.
"Juvia's over at my place. I'll put the phone on speaker..."
     I turned on the speaker and heard Lucy's voice come through, louder than required.
"Hey, Juvia! Which class are you in?"
     Juvia answered to Lucy, "Juvia is in class 3-B..."
"Ooh! I'm in class 3-B too!"
"But I'm in class 3-A... What about Wendy and Levy?" I asked.
"Levy is in 3-A too!" Lucy replied.
"Juvia asked Wendy... She said that she is in class 3-C..."
"Poor Wendy..."
"Ah... Well, meet you on April 1st. No walls can keep us apart!" Lucy said cheerfully.
"I can't wait to tell father my marks. He'll be happy! Bye!"
"Bye." Juvia and I said in unison.

     The call ended and I put the phone on the sofa again. Juvia was still standing there with me. I asked her to sit and we sat down on the sofa. "Juvia is glad she is with Lucy." Juvia said to me.

     I nodded and said, "I'm glad too... To have Levy." Juvia then said, "Juvia wonders what class Gray-sama is in..." She sighed. "Oh. I think I have his number! Why don't you call him and ask him yourself?" I said to her.

     Her eyes widened a bit and she said, "Juvia... Juvia is too shy to do that...!" She blushed. I chuckled and sent her Gray's number. "Whenever you gather the courage..." I said. She gave me a small smile, while blushing.

     "Juvia should get going... Thanks for having Juvia." She was still blushing as she left the house. I hoped for Juvia that Gray was in her class.

Two Days Later

Erza's POV:

     It was a fresh, spring morning. The birds were chirping about and the flowers were blooming. I was excited for the new year. New beginnings, new chances. Another year at the cooking club too.

     I waited for Juvia outside her house so that we could go together. When she came out, I thought, she would be excited too. But, she looked half dead. She walked way too slowly, and it took her what seemed like ages to reach me.

     "What happened, Juvia? Why do you look so drained?" I asked her. Juvia looked up at me and spoke in a whisper, "Gray-sama and Juvia are not in the same class... Is the universe trying to tell Juvia that she should let go of Gray-sama?!" She almost shouted the last part.

     I patted her arm and said, "It's okay Juvia. You'll get to be with him during Lunch." Juvia nodded, only half convinced and we started walking to school.

     When we reached our corridor in the school, Juvia and I parted, searching for our classrooms. I found my class pretty quickly and made my way in. The class was half empty.

     I took a seat near the back of the class, in the row next to the windows. I scanned the classroom for any sight of Levy. My eyes stopped on a tuft of blue hair behind me. But it wasn't Levy. It was Jellal Fernandes.


Next Update: 15th June, 2020.


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