16. Family.

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One week later

Erza's POV:

     I sat in the cafeteria waiting for Lucy and Juvia. I pulled out my phone to check if there were any texts for me to read, while I waited. I clicked on the message icon and saw one new message. It was from Hynhe.

     I opened it. 'Hey Erza. I am done with my work, so we will be coming over on Tuesday. Hope to see you soon. Bye.' I replied to her, 'Yep. Come soon!'

     I put my phone back and saw Lucy and Juvia coming over. They took seats beside me and heaved their bags onto the table. We took out our lunches and began to eat.

     Lucy started a conversation. "So, how's studies going?" I internally groaned. Juvia said, "Juvia doesn't want to talk about it.." She nervously laughed. I nodded in agreement. Lucy left the topic there, gladly.

     "Hey, Erza, you live alone, right?" Lucy said after a while."What about your family?" I swallowed the food in my mouth, thinking how to answer that question. Lucy then added quickly, maybe sensing my hesitation, "You don't have to tell us right now, if you don't want to. Take your time!"

     "Nah. It's okay." I replied."I would have told you this sooner or later. I live alone here. I came to Magnolia when my mother died. I don't remember my father... He died soon after I was born. My mom brought me up all by herself... She loved me so much. She was the best.."

     I felt my chest tighten and my eyes started to sting. I closed them and smiled. "But it's okay. It's been a while... I miss her... But it's okay." I opened my eyes to see Lucy and Juvia giving me sympathetic looks. Lucy said, "I'm sorry Erza.. I didn't mean to make you remember those bad memories."

     "It's okay, Lucy." I smiled at her. 'Is it? Is it really okay? It's not... But I don't want Lucy and Juvia to worry... It may not be okay right now... But it will be. Won't it?'

     "But you are still a minor, aren't you? Then who is your guardian?" Lucy asked. "Ah. It's my mother's friends. They are currently my guardians. In fact, they are coming here, to meet me, on Tuesday. You can meet them then!"

     Levy and Wendy joined us before Lucy and Juvia could reply. "What were you guys talking about?" Levy asked. "Erza's family." Juvia answered.

     "Oh. Then we should also tell her about our families." Wendy said. Juvia nodded. Lucy quickly said, "Okay then, I'll start. I live with my dad. My mom died when I was young. I live in the Heartfilia Manor, at the north of the city."

     "Juvia lives next to Erza, with her mom and dad. Juvia doesn't think her mom and dad have been officially introduced to Erza, have they?" "Nope." I answered.

     "Then Juvia will introduce you to them soon." Juvia said and smiled. This time, Levy spoke, "I live alone here, even though I have a family. They live in another town. It's pretty far from here. But I have got such nice friends here, I don't miss them much."

     Wendy then told about her family, "I live with my grandpa. I don't know my parents at all. My grandpa raised me. But now we have a new addition to our family, Charles!" Wendy giggled.

     "So Charles is a official member of your family now, huh?" Lucy asked, smiling. "Yep. And we are happy to have her." Wendy replied. "Oh, but Erza, we didn't hear about your family." Levy said to me.

     "Oh right. So my mom.. she died... A few months ago. I never knew my dad. He died soon after my birth. My current legal guardians are my mom's friends. They are coming over on Tuesday. You all can meet them then."

     The back of my eyes started stinging again. I thought I was about to cry, but thankfully the bell rang. I said that I needed to get to my next class and hurriedly left. I barely caught Levy say something, "I'm sorry Erza! ... "

After School

Erza's POV:

     We walked together as usual, parting our ways towards our homes. Once again, I said goodbye to Juvia and entered my house. My eyes were heavy. I was tired. Physically and mentally.

     Talking about my mom didn't go as easy on me as I had hoped for it to be. I couldn't pay attention in class after lunch. Infact, all of it happened in a blur. I don't even know how I reached home.

     I placed my bag on a table and laid down on the couch. I covered my eyes with my arms. I closed my eyes and got lost in thought. 

     'I'm so tired. Family...? What is a family, really? The one you're born into? The one in which you have been brought up in? People you care for you? ... Isn't having a family having people who love you and care for you, no matter what?

     Then I have a family... I have people I love, and who love me back, around me. I have my new friends, Hynhe and Juliet...

     Mom, I hope you know that your daughter is trying to be the strong girl you've always wanted her to be. I think I am moving on... Maybe.'

     Silent tears ran down into my hair. I remembered some old memories. Before I knew it, darkness engulfed me and I fell into a deep sleep.


Erza's POV:

     I laughed and giggled, showing my prize to my mother. She took the small, golden trophy into her hands and smiled at me. "That's wonderful, Erza! You really look like a knight. My knight in shining armor!" She laughed.

     I smiled at her and said, "Yes! I will always protect Mommy! I'll be her knight in shining armor." I flashed my fake armor and pumped my fist in the air.

     Mom laughed at that and said, "How about some ice-cream? For winning the fancy dress competition?" I grinned, "Yep! Let's gets some ice-cream!"

     Mom took my small hand in her large, soft one and pulled me along to the ice-cream parlour. I hopped along the way, smiling. Happy to receive the award, happy to have ice-cream, happy to have someone who would appreciate it.


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