33. Classmates.

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Erza's POV:

     "Good morning, Jellal!", I said to him, grinning. He gave me small smile and said, "Good morning." He replied. I pressed on, "I didn't know we were in the same class. Are any of the other guys in our class?"

     He gave it a thought and replied, "I believe... Gray is. Yeah. There he comes." He jerked his head towards the door at the front of the class. Gray walked in, looking around, probably for Jellal.

     Gray grinned as he spotted us and made his way to us. He dropped his bag on a desk next to mine, in the adjacent row. He leaned on the desk and said, "Hey guys! How are you?"

     I smiled and replied, "I'm good. How are you?" Gray said, "I'm great." Jellal muttered loud enough for me and Gray, "We talked this morning... I don't see why you need to ask me too."

     Gray patted him on the shoulder and said, "Manners." The class suddenly fell silent and Gray took his seat as the teacher entered the classroom. To my surprise, it was Mr. Gildarts.

     He gave us a warm smile and said, "Welcome everyone, to your last year at Fiore High." Many students knew him and smiled back. He continued, "I'm Mr. Gildarts. I'll be your homeroom teacher this year.

     "This year is very important, for your future careers. You will have to study hard in order to get into the college or university of your choice. I expect such of you. But it's not all studies, ofcourse, you all should  enjoys the festivals and fairs that take place around the school year." He smiled as he ended his speech.

     He glanced around the classroom and asked, "Now... Who should be the class representative?" The classroom was filled with murmurs of the students, discussing who should be made the representative.

     Mr. Gildarts slammed his hand onto his his desk lightly, gaining the attention of the class. He said, "We can do by lots. Just write the name of the person who you think should be the representative and I'll count it afterwards."

     There was noise of scrapping of paper as students unanimously started on their votes. I tore a small piece of paper from the back of a notebook and took my pen in my hand. I looked around the classroom.

     'There's Gray... Jellal... Levy... Some people from last year... I don't know anyone much though...' I saw Gray lean towards me and I turned my attention to him. He whispered, "Jellal was class representative last year for our class... He's good too." He returned to his normal position, shooting a grin at me.

     I smiled and considered. 'Levy or Jellal? If Jellal has experience... It would be better to have him as class rep. I know him too...' I stopped tapping the pen on the desk and wrote down Jellal's name.

     After everyone had submitted their votes, Mr. Gildarts went through them, writing names on the blackboards and adding votes under the names. My breath caught in my chest when I saw him write my name on the board. 'One vote. Who would vote for me?!'

     I looked around surreptitiously, trying to see if Levy had a knowing smile on her face. But she wasn't even looking in my general direction. I glanced about the classroom, searching for a familiar face I might have missed. But there was no one.

     I gave up looking for who voted for me. In a few moments, Mr. Gildarts announced, "So, as is apparent from the tallies... Our class representative will be Jellal Fernandes." I looked at the blackboard.

     More than half of the class had voted for Jellal. I was surprised slightly. There was a lot of noise, murmurs and whispers after Mr. Gildarts announced the class representative. Mostly, the air was dominated by muffled giggles and it clicked.

     I turned around and congratulated Jellal. He gave me an embarrassed smile and nodded, as a thanks. I understood and turned back to face the front.

Jellal's POV:

     I saw Erza searching for someone when Mr. Gildarts wrote her name. 'Should I tell her it was me?' The next moment I wanted to slap myself for that. 'How stupid can I be? She thinks I'm over her... This might make her suspicious...'

     'This is not good... I should get over her. It hurts and I can't even hate her... She is too nice. Ignoring those feelings don't help either...' I sighed. 'I'm stupid... I can't even say I don't want to be friends anymore... I... I do enjoy being with her. Even as a friend.'

     'Why do I have to be like this?!' Mr. Gildarts caught my attention by announcing my name. 'Class rep. again. Yay...' Then Erza turned back to congratulate me. Her smile was dazzling, so pure.

     I was embarrassed. 'She congratulated me! Say something, Jellal!' But I couldn't bring anything out my my mouth. I settled for nodding my head and hoped it would suffice.

After School

Jellal's POV:

     It was sad that we had to part right at the front of the school. The girls walked away in the opposite direction and we set off in the other. As we walked, Gray pulled me to the back of the group.

     He whispered to me, "You were the one who voted for Erza, right?" I looked at him. There was no point in hiding the truth from him. "Yes." I replied. He grinned and said, "I knew it. By the way, she voted for you."

     My head jerked towards him and I asked, "Really?" He nodded, still grinning. "How do you know?" I asked him, excited slightly at the prospect. He simply answered, "I saw her write your name."

     I couldn't help but smile. Before Gray could tease me, I joined in the conversation the guys were having. Natsu was saying, happily, "Lucy and I are in the same class!" I smiled, happy for him. Gajeel said, "I have the same class with Wendy and Laxus."

     Laxus nodded in agreement. He then said, "Her friends all got scared and left when we approached her so that we could leave together..." Gajeel laughed and said, "Oh yeah! That was so funny!" I imagined how scary two boys with big builts approaching them must be like, with Gajeel's piercings and Laxus' scar. When I mentioned that, we all fell into a fit of laughter.


Next Update: 22nd June, 2020.

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