9. A Guy Can Dream.

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Erza's POV:

     Juvia stood in front of Gray, slightly swaying. He, and everyone else at the table, looked at her. She closed her eyes, and pushed the bag of brownies towards him. "T-this is for y-you. T-thankyou for h-helping J-juvia the other day."

     She blushed bright red as Gray slowly took the bag out of her hands. He muttered, "Yeah, thanks." And gave her a small smile. Juvia looked like she was about to faint. So, we ushered her quickly to our table before she actually did.

     By the time we were at our table, Juvia had calmed down. She smiled at us and let out a sigh of relief. Lucy smiled cheerfully and said, "You did it Juvia! He took the brownies!" Juvia gave a nod and said in a low voice, "Yeah... Juvia hopes Gray-sama will like them." She glanced in his direction.

     The rest of the lunch went cheerfully as everyone was happy for Juvia.

Jellal's POV:

     At lunch, I found Natsu and Gajeel loitering around the cafeteria. I stood beside them silently, trying to ignore their bickering. Gray emerged out of a corridor and waved at us. I gave back a small wave seeing that Natsu and Gajeel were not aware of his presence.

     It was only when Laxus came along, did they stop. We walked through the cafeteria towards our table. We took our seats and Gray let out a sigh and said, "We just got a load of homework to do by Monday." Natsu replied at this, "I don't have anything to do this weekend." He smirked.

     Gray was about to retort but a blue haired girl approached our table, or approached Gray, specifically. Along with her were some girls. Among them, was the red head, her beautiful red hair let down and a peaceful but anxious look on her face. The blue haired girl gave Gray something and all the girls went back to their table.

     Gray opened the bag and pulled out a brownie. He took a bite and another and ate the whole brownie. "I have something better than you Natsu. I just got some really good brownies to eat this weekend." He smirked at Natsu.

     Natsu pouted and tried to grab the bag from Gray's hand. But Gray pulled it away quickly and put it in his bag. Natsu got ticked off and he said, "Just you wait! I am also gonna get brownies from Lucy!"

     The table fell silent. All of us looked at Natsu who suddenly realised what he said. He slowly raised his hand to cover his mouth, not believing he just let the cat out. The silence was broken by Gray gulping on the brownie in his mouth. Laxus voiced, "You like Lucy Heartfilia?" Natsu sighed and replied, "Yeah, I do. So what? You think she's not gonna like me? I will make her fall for me then!"

     Laxus shook his head, "The girl can fall for you. I am not saying that she won't like you or anything. What I am saying is that she is a Heartfilia." Natsu's face couldn't have better shown his confusion. He asked Laxus, "What does her being a Heartfilia have to do with... Anything?"

     Laxus sighed. He spoke, "It has everything to do with you. Cause you like Lucy. Look, Lucy is the daughter of Jude Heartfilia. He is a rich man who loves his daughter. He is her father. I have heard that he is very strict with anything concerning his daughter. I don't think I need to say anything more." Natsu was silent after hearing this. Gray explained, "What Laxus means is that you will need to win Jude Heartfilia's heart before you go after Lucy's."

     Natsu gave a small nod of understanding. Gajeel put a hand on his shoulder and said, "It's impossible. Honestly speaking, I don't think it's gonna happen. Look at Lucy - a pretty, tame lady. Look at you - a wild, stupid... Natsu." Natsu looked up at him and said, "Well, a guy can dream... And that's why I am gonna pursue that dream! Just wait and watch! I will make Lucy mine." "That's the spirit!" Laxus chimed in.

     I sighed. It went unnoticed by the others, thankfully. 'He is not as dense as he makes himself out to be...' Natsu blushed slightly as he looked over at Lucy. I followed his gaze and my eyes landed on the red head sitting next to her. For some reason I couldn't take my eyes off of her. I kept glancing discreetly at her throughout lunch.

     'Freaking love... A guy can dream, eh? Even when he doesn't want to...? Freaking love... Never does anyone any good, it doesn't.' I kept my thoughts to myself as I left the cafeteria to get to my next class.

     I walked through the corridors nearing my classroom when I girl called out to me. I turned towards the source of the voice. She said, "You're Jellal Fernandes, right?" I gave her a nod in response. She smiled and continued, "You know my friend Saki? She's in your class... She needs help with some maths problems. Could you help her out after school? Please~" She made a face.

     "Sorry. I cannot." I left for my classroom. 'What do they think I am? A fool?! As if I am going to fall for such a cheap trick... This is too cliched to fall for...'

Girl's POV:

     Saki had a crush on the Jellal Fernandes. Every girl did. Saki and I were returning to our classes when I saw him. I walked straight to him and stopped him. Outta the corner of my eye, I saw Saki shrink in the shadows.

     'You gotta go for it! Saki is too shy to confront him... I am gonna help her.' I asked him, "You're Jellal Fernandes, right?" He gave me a curt nod. I said, smiling, "You know my friend Saki? She's in your class... She needs help with some maths problems. Could you help her out after school? Please~" I gave him the puppy eyes. He looked at me coldly and with a voice as cold as his glare, he said, "Sorry. I cannot." He turned and went his way.


(A/n): Hey guys! I hope you're enjoying the story so far!
Here's a disclaimer-
I do not mean to offend anyone. Any rude implications are not intentional.

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