23. Cooking Club.

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Erza's POV:

     Juvia dragged me along through corridors I had never seen in the school. She was practically running and I was trying my best to keep up with her. School had ended and the crowd of students walking out of school was like a wave, pushing us back.

     Atlast, we made it to our destination. The little board at the door said, 'Cooking Club'. Juvia had dragged me all the way here through hell, just so I could meet her friend Laki.

     Juvia slid the door open and we entered a huge classroom. It was twice the size of our normal classrooms. There was cooking equipment everywhere. They had counters instead of benches.

     Not many people were present in the room. Juvia took me to the club president and asked her if we could talk to Laki. Taking her permission, we went to meet Laki. Laki was a lavender haired, bespectacled girl, standing in the second row.

     "Hey, Juvia!" Laki greeted her, as we walked towards her. "Hello Laki! This is Juvia's friend Erza." Juvia said pointing towards me. "Erza wanted to join the cooking club. She would like to know about it though." Juvia continued.

     Laki clapped her hands together and said cheerfully, "Oh! I would love to tell her about the club!" Then she turned to me and said, "Erza, right? Please let me introduce you to the cooking club."

     I nodded. She smiled and started speaking, "So, the president over there is a really good cook. She teaches us new things everyday! We also try different and new recipes whenever we want."

     "We usually teach beginners the basic stuff in the first few classes. So, I don't think you'll have a problem. Also, the president is very nice. She always helps us if we need anything. As you can see, there are not many people here, so we all know each other well." She said to me.

     "That's sounds very nice." I said. "I would love to join the club." Laki smiled and said, "There is still time for the session to start, so let's go talk to the president." She took me to the president and said, "President, this is Erza, she would like to join the club."

     The president had short, violet hair and brown eyes. She replied, "That's great! Erza? You'll have to fill out this form first. You can join us from tomorrow. I'll teach you the basics for the first few sessions." She handed me a form.
     I took it and put it in my bag. "Thank you so much." I said to her. The president smiled and replied, "No problem. We're happy to have you here." Juvia and I left the club room. We walked out of the school to our homes.


Erza's POV:

     I pulled out the chair at my desk and sat, pulling my bag onto the desk. I took out the form I got from the cooking club. Its sides were creased and folded. So, I straightened them out with my hand.

     I took a pen and filled in the details. 'Name... Class... Age... ...' After filling it completely, I capped my pen and kept it aside. I checked the form for any mistakes. Finding none, I nodded and kept it in my bag with the next day's books.

     I went to bed and tried to sleep. But was so excited about tomorrow, I couldn't sleep. I kept thinking about how it would go. Running it again and again in my head with different scenarios. I fell asleep sometime later, dreaming about the cooking club.

Next Day

After School

Erza's POV:

     I said goodbye to Lucy, Juvia and Levy and went towards the cooking club room. For a while, I couldn't find it. 'Juvia took me here... And then turned... Left? I think...' I turned to the left and searched for the club room. 'Maybe it was a right...?' I came back and went the other way.

      Atlast, I found the little board with 'Cooking Club' written on it. I slid the door open and saw the other members were already there. They had started on a recipe the president was teaching. They all looked at me as I entered the room. I apologized to the president, "I'm so sorry. I couldn't find the club room..."

     She smiled at me and said, "It's okay. I'll take the form now and you can join us immediately." I nodded and took the form out of my bag. I handed it to her and she checked the details. She took it and kept it in a file, probably with the other forms.

     She asked me to take a counter and started continued the session. I walked towards the end, giving a small smile to Laki who waved at me. I took an empty counter behind Laki and stood there idly.

     After giving instructions to the others, the president came to me. She gave me a kind smile and said, "Hello, Erza. Welcome to the Cooking Club. I'm the club president, Kinana." I nodded and said, "Thank you, president."

     She then proceeded to tell me about the various equipment that we will be using, foods that we would be cooking and much more. She would go back to the others members to check on them and see how their cooking was going.

     By the time she had completed explaining the club rules and regulations to me, the other members were done with their dishes. The president went to check if all of them were done properly. After that, the club was dismissed and we left the room together.

     Laki called out to me as we left the building, "Hey, Erza! Wait..." She caught up to me and asked, "How did it go? Was it boring?" I shook my head, saying, "No. It was very informative... I know the baisc stuff already, but I also got to know more about the club."

     "I see. The next few days will be the same. Hope you learn new things!" Laki said. "Yeah." I replied. We walked together for a while, till we had to part ways as she went to her home.

     I looked at the time. '6:10 pm. It's that late, huh? I thought we left the school around 5:45... Time sure flies.' I sighed. I adjusted the strap of my bag on my shoulder and walked in silence. I missed talking to someone, being so used to having Juvia with me.

     On reaching home, I put my bag on the sofa and sat on it. I let my tired body rest a bit and relaxed. Today was fun... and tiring. 'Atlast I joined the club... Oh... I should tell Juliet and Hynhe. They would be happy to know...' I fished out my phone from my pocket and dialled Hynhe's number. It ringed for a while, before Hynhe picked it up.
"Hello, Erza."
"Hello, Hynhe"
"How are you?"
"I'm fine, thank you. How are the both of you?"
"We're fine. Why did you call?"
"I wanted to tell you, I joined the cooking club."
"That's great. I'll put Juliet on, wait a second."
"Hello, Erza?"
"Hey, Juliet. I joined the cooking club."
"I heard! Awesome. I'm so happy!"
I could feel her smiling through the phone.
"That's why I called to tell you."
"Become a great cook and make amazing cookies, okay? We'll definitely come to eat them!"
"Yes, I will."
"Good. Let's talk later. Bye, goodnight.
     I ended the call and put the phone next to me on the sofa. Even though I was tired, I felt this happiness, satisfaction in today. With that feeling, I made myself comfortable on the sofa and let my weariness wash away.


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