12. Girls' Day Out.

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Erza's POV:

     We had lunch at an restaurant in the amusement park. We paid the bill and left the park. Lucy walked in the front of the group, beaming. She turned around and looked at us, saying, "Now, for our next destination! Shopping!" "Yay!" Juvia cheered.

     We grabbed a cab to the Fiore Mall. It was a squeeze, but we managed it, thanks to Wendy and Levy's small builds. The ride didn't last too long. In about ten to fifteen minutes, we were outside the enormous mall. Lucy paid the driver and we got off.

     The mall was huge. The walls were covered with banners and ads of various brands. The whole place was magnificent. We entered through the automatic doors and a blast of cool air hit us. There were many people, walking around, shopping.

     Lucy caught my wrist and pulled me along to some shops selling dresses. Her eyes were sparkling. There were beautiful dresses lined on the walls of the shops and Lucy was looking at them like a child seeing candy. I gave a small chuckle and trailed after her. Juvia, Wendy and Levy too started to check out the dresses.

     Lucy entered a shop and we followed her in. She went straight for an attendant and pointed at a dress on a mannequin. Juvia and Levy went off to another section of the shop, checking out jackets. Wendy and I followed Lucy and the attendant to the dress. It was a beautiful dress. Knee length, pale pink, off-shoulder, with small flowers adorning it.

     Wendy whispered, mesmerized, "Wow

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     Wendy whispered, mesmerized, "Wow... It's beautiful..." I nodded in agreement. Lucy turned to us and said excitedly, "Yes! Isn't it?" She grinned. The attendant walked towards her, a copy of the dress in her hands. She gave it to Lucy, who instantly went into the trial room.

     We waited for a couple of minutes. Levy and Juvia had come back and waited for her too. The the door opened with a creak and Lucy came out. Saying that she looked stunning was an understatement. She looked absolutely beautiful. She smiled sheepishly at us and asked, "How do I look?" I smiled and answered, "You look great." Levy nodded and said, "She's right Lu-chan, you look stunning!" Juvia and Wendy agreed. Lucy blushed and said, "Thanks... I love this dress."

     Soon enough, we left the shop with Lucy's dress and a jacket for Juvia. We walked towards the shoes section and checked out the shoes. We looked, but didn't buy anything. I looked at the time. '2:56 pm..'

     Juvia then dragged us into a shop. An accessories shop. She checked out some pendants and earrings. We too started to look. Juvia then called us over and showed us a pendant. It had a silver coloured chain and at the end of the chain was dangling a shiny, blue, drop. She asked, "How would this look on Juvia?" Lucy answered, "Oh! It would look awesome, Juvia!" She put it on. Wendy said, "It looks nice on you."

     Juvia smiled and buyed it. We looked at other accessories. Lucy bought some earrings. I checked out the pendants. Suddenly, something bright caught my eye. It was a blade. A small sword-like blade attached to a silver chain. I picked it up and examined it. The little sword was dangling from the chain, shining. I placed my finger on the pointed end of the blade. It pricked my finger, but no blood came out. I took it to the counter and paid for it. Juvia asked, "What did you get for yourself, Erza?" I showed her the pendant. She said, "Wow. It's shiny! It will look good on you!"

     I put it on. The little sword came to rest below my neck. "It looks good on you." Juvia said. "Thanks." I replied. Levy came over to compliment me too. We walked out of the shop, talking about what to buy next. Suddenly, Juvia asked, "Where's Lucy?"

     I looked around, but I couldn't see Lucy. Then we went back towards the shop. But before we could enter, Lucy came jogging out of the shop. She stopped on reaching us and said, "I.. I forgot my phone.. on the counter! So I went back. Yeah." "Oh. Okay." Wendy said and smiled. We proceeded to another section of the mall.

Late Afternoon

Erza's POV:

     Around 5 pm, we left the mall. We walked to the beach, talking about ourselves. We reached there some fifteen or so minutes later.

     The smell hit first. The smell of the sea. We went into the sand as soon as we got there. Lucy placed a blanket on the sand and we kept all our bags and stuff on it. Lucy than said, "Let's change into swimsuits!!"

     Everyone stopped dead in their tracks. "Swimsuits...?" Juvia repeated. All of us had bewildered expressions. Lucy replied, "Yes. Swimsuits." Levy then said to Lucy, "But Lu-chan, we don't have swimsuits with us. We didn't know that we were going to the beach, remember?"

     Lucy looked at her for a moment before answering, "Oh yeah! I forgot! Stupid me! But! We can get swimsuits for rent! There's a shop here! Let's go!"

     We went to the shop and got some swimsuits. We wore them and went to the beach. The sand was feeling warm under my feet. Juvia and Lucy ran into the water. We followed them. The water was cooler than the sand. It felt wonderful. I just stood there, feeling the breeze through my hair and my feet in cold water and sand.

     Suddenly, I was cold all over. Lucy had splashed water on me. She chuckled. I cupped water in my hands and splashed it, hitting her right in the face. "Gah!" Lucy cried. Now it was my turn to laugh.

     In a few moments, we had a full blown splash fight, and we were drenched by the time it ended. We went towards our blanket and dried ourselves with some towels from the shop. The sun was at the horizon.

     There were a few, faint stars visible in the darkening sky. The light of the sun was reflected on the sea water. It was beautiful. We watched the sunset and then returned the swimsuits. We took our bags and stuff and started home.

     Wendy broke the silence, "It was fun today." Juvia nodded and said, "Yes. Juvia enjoyed it." She smiled warmly. I said, "Thank you so much. It was the most fun I have had in a while." I smiled at them. Lucy said, "Oh, it's nothing Erza. We had fun too. We should do it sometime again. What do you say?" She looked around at us.

     We all have nods of agreement. "Definitely." Levy said. We then parted our ways and me and Juvia walked together again. Juvia said on the way, "It was tiring. But so much fun! Juvia will sleep after getting home. Juvia is tired." "Yeah." I nodded. As we closed onto our houses, Juvia yawned and said, "Juvia better get going. Goodnight Erza!" I replied, "Goodnight Juvia."

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