37. Sleepover Part 1.

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One Week Later

Erza's POV:

     My phone rang as I was getting ready to go to the Library. I picked it up, dropping my hair brush onto my bed and answered the call.
"Hey Lucy."
"Good morning, Erza."
"Why did you call?"
"I was thinking we girls should have a sleepover... To relax a bit, you know?"
"That's a great idea. When and where?"
"Tonight. If you don't mind. At my place."
"Fine by me."
"Cool! Come with Juvia by 6 pm?"
"Okay! Meet you tonight!"
"Yup. Bye!"

     I dropped the phone quickly and picking up the brush, put my hair into a ponytail. I grabbed my bag and phone and rushed out of the house. I checked the time. 'I'm going to be late...!'

     Jellal had agreed to help me again. Like last week, we were going to meet in the library and he was going to help me. I ran half the way to the library. I was gasping for breath by the time I reached the library doors. I put a hand on the wall for support as I breathed in heavy gulps of oxygen.

     Once I had recovered, I made my way in. A hand tapped my shoulder and I spun around to see Jellal standing behind me. "Hey, good morning. Were you waiting for long?" I asked him. He shook his head and said, "No. I arrived right now."

     "Oh, thank goodness..." I said as I took the same seat as last time, waiting for Jellal to take his. He helped me with Maths this time. He was very patient with me, thankfully, for I didn't understand what he was speaking half the time.

     After we were done, he asked me, "If you have anything more to ask.. we can do this again tomorrow?" I shook my head, answering, "No. Anyways, it wouldn't be possible. We girls are having a sleepover at Lucy's house."

     "Oh. Well, enjoy." He said as we left the Library. On my way home, I realized something. 'I have never been to a sleepover before! Oh... I have no idea what we will be doing.. Well... From what I know, it sounds fun... I'm sure they will understand.'

     I had lunch and spent the afternoon thinking about the sleepover. It was going to be a first for me and I was more excited than worried about the prospect.

     Juvia had called me to tell me when we will be leaving for Lucy's house and what I could bring with me. Accordingly, I got ready and took a bag filled with some snacks. More precisely, the delicacies from my favourite cafe.

     I waited for Juvia outside her house, busying myself with the tiny grass protruding from the footpath. I saw feet stop near me and I looked up to see Juvia there, smiling. I smiled and said, "Let's go then."

    She nodded and we walked a short distance before getting a cab to Lucy's house. We chatted all the way there, Juvia telling me about the sleepovers they have had before.

     I stepped out of the cab after Juvia and paid the cab driver before turning around to see Lucy's house. When my eyes fell on the majestic mansion, I couldn't help a small gasp escape me.

     "Oh my... It's beautiful..." I spoke in a whisper, staring wide-eyed at the building in front of me. Juvia giggled a little before pressing a small button at the gate. A voice came through from a small speaker above the button almost immediately,
"Hello. Who is this?"

     Juvia cleared her throat and responded, "Juvia and Erza. Lucy's friends."

     The voice replied, "I see. The gates will be opened in a moment. Please wait for a while." The voice disappeared with a crackle and a butler came to open the doors.

     "Welcome, Miss Juvia, Miss Erza. Miss Lucy has informed us about the 'sleepover'. I shall escort you to Miss Lucy's chambers. Please follow me." He said and lead us into the house. We took off our shoes and he lead us to Lucy's room.

     He opened the door and we went into Lucy's room. Lucy came running to us, her eyes gleaming. The door shut with a soft click behind us as Lucy dragged us to her king sized bed. Levy and Wendy were already there, sitting on the bed.

     Lucy plopped onto her bed, beside Levy and invited us. Juvia and I kept our bags on a bedside table and sat on the bed. Lucy clapped her hands and said, "Now that we are all here! Let's begin!"

     "For tonight this room belongs to us. No one will come disturb us. I have made sure of that. You won't believe all that I had to do just to get Father's permission." Lucy spoke excitedly.

     Her spirit was contagious. All of us started smiling as Lucy spoke. Levy asked, "I hope it wasn't much... What would you have to do anyways?" Lucy replied, "I promised him that I'll get an A on the upcoming History test."

     Levy giggled and said, "If you need help, come to me..." Lucy just smiled and said, "Thank you!" Juvia spoke in a low voice, "Juvia would like some help too! Juvia sucks at History..." Levy smiled and said, "No problem, Juvia. But wouldn't you prefer if it was Gray-sama who taught you instead?"

     Juvia blushed deeply at that and averted her eyes. We all laughed at her cute face. She pouted and said, "Lucy should take help from Natsu then..." Lucy stopped laughing as she blushed herself and Juvia slightly smirked.

     "T-taking help from N-natsu is foolishness. He is the one who needs help..." She stammered. Wendy giggled and said, "Then why don't you help him, Lucy?" Lucy waved her hands in front of her face, saying, "A-ahh... I-I don't know...!"

     "Just accept that you have a crush on him Lu-chan." Levy said, "Speaking of crushes... Did you know Evergreen has a crush Laxus?" Juvia and Lucy gasped. "What? Really?" Lucy asked Levy, looking very interested.

    "Yep. But it's better if Laxus dosen't know..." Levy said thoughtfully. "Um... Who's Evergreen?" I asked, looking at their faces in confusion. Lucy said, "We forget how many people you don't know! Sorry, Erza!"

     "Have you seen three people following Laxus around whenever he isn't with the Fairies?" Wendy asked me. I did remember seeing something like that a few times before. "Yes." I said with a nod.

     "Well, they are the Thunder Legion. The three people are Evergreen, Bixlow and Freed. Laxus is friends with them." Levy explained. "Ah, I see." I replied.

     Suddenly we heard a cat meowing, from under the bed. Juvia and I almost jumped and looked at each other in surprised. Wendy apologized and said, "It's just Charles. I brought her with me, but she fell asleep..."

     Wendy bent down and pulled up a small basket in which held a white, little cat. Wendy took Charles out of the basket and held the care in her arms. Charles purred as Wendy stroked her fur gently.

     "Aww, she's so cute~" Lucy cooed at the cat. Levy nodded and moved closer to the cat, touching Charles lightly. Wendy smiled and said, "She is cute but a strong one. She healed up really fast too. Grandfather said that she is very smart."

     She continued stroking Charles, "He takes care of her when I'm at school. She is growing up so well..." She spoke lovingly, looking at Charles the whole time.

     "Gajeel saved a cat that day... He must be the same age as Charles. Gajeel calls him Panther Lily." Levy spoke in a small voice. "Who knew Gajeel likes cats?" Lucy spoke, surprise evident in her voice.

     Levy shrugged. We sat in a comfortable silence for a while, watching Wendy's hand stroke Charles. Lucy broke the silence, "Is anyone hungry? I am..."


Next Update: 3rd August, 2020.

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