28. Reply & Reflection.

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Erza's POV:

     He looked at me, his averting eyes were now fixed at mine. His face was red, he was blushing. I was speechless for a while. I thought about all I knew about him, everything that happened.

     I was trying to think of a rational way to answer him. But thinking about him made me angry. I couldn't think straight after that. I tried to calm myself and replied, "I don't like you. Sorry."

     I didn't wait for him to say anything. Without even looking at his face, I started walking away from the scene. But I stopped when I heard him call me. I turned to see him looking at me, his eyes filled with pain.

     "Erza! Wait, please... I... I understand that you don't like me. You probably don't know me, so you don't like me. But why don't we become friends first and you can come to know me... Please?" He said, looking at me with pleading eyes.

     I was pissed off. 'What about 'I don't like you' does this guy not understand? I tried to be polite... No more.' I said, "No. I don't want to. I don't like you. At all."

     He looked heartbroken. He said, "B-but... That's why... Why don't you try being friends with me atleast?" I shook my head. I was getting angrier by the second. I almost yelled at him, "This didn't have to go this way. I hate you, okay? I will never like you that way. So please, stop!"

     This time I walked off, not caring wether he called me or not. Not that he did. He was silent. I rushed back home without waiting for Juvia.

     I put my bag on the sofa and laid on it, facing the ceiling. The whole event played in my mind like tape. Remembering his heartbroken face, I suddenly felt guilty. I felt ashamed of myself. I acted on pure impulse, and this is where it lead me. Regret.

     Throughout the afternoon, I tired to not think about it. I listened to a few songs, did my homework. But at the end of it all, I was reminded of it again.

     Regret was eating me up on the inside. 'How could I behave like that? That was so wrong... Goodness... What did I do? I need to talk to someone... Anyone... Ugh!' I rolled on my bed, cringing at my behavior.
     Then I remembered Lucy and Juvia who were hiding behind the tree at that time. 'Lucy! I should call her... She would listen to me!' I took my phone and found her number.

     Before clicking on dial, I hesitated. 'Would she listen to me? After the way... How I was... She must think that I'm heartless...' I did my best to push those thoughts away and dialled her number.

     I felt myself losing my nerve with every ring. Finally, Lucy picked up my call.
"Hello? Erza?"
"Hello, Lucy..."
"How are you? You must be shocked... We were."
"What did you guys do? After I left..."
"The other Fairies took Jellal somewhere. We waited till they went away... Juvia was shocked and happy at the same time."
"Lucy... I... I feel awful..."
"It's okay, Erza... We know you hated him... But I understand what you mean."
"I can't help but feel what I did was inhumane. I was so angry..."
"I know... Well, apologize to him. That will probably make you feel better..."
"I'll try. First day after vacation."
"What did I look like? When I rejected him?"
"Well, you looked angry...and..."
"And disgusted. Like he was scum..."
"Ah... That's why..."

     I felt a pang in my heart. I had hurt him. A lot, probably. 'That's why he looked so heart broken... No one wants to be hated by the person they love...' I continued our conversation.

"I should try being friends with him maybe..."
"That would be a good idea!"
"Will he accept?"
"I don't know why he wouldn't! He likes you... He even offered it first."
"Yeah... Thanks Lucy."
"No problem, Erza."
"Thanks... I feel better after talking to you."

     She laughed. I was smiling too. Then she spoke, ending our conversation.

"Goodnight, Erza. Don't worry. It'll be alright. And no matter what, we'll always be there for you."
"Thanks, Lucy. Goodnight."

     I hanged up the phone, feeling a weight on my chest lighten. 'Why? Why do I feel so guilty? Just because I hurt him? Who is he to me?' Questions came into my mind like a flood. But a found an answer almost immediately. 'Human.'

     After a very silent dinner, I went to bed, resolving to apologise as soon as possible. It was Christmas Eve. The streets were lighted, showing the happy mood of the people. But I felt empty.

     Those lights didn't help me at all. I couldn't sleep well. His sad face, pained eyes came into my mind every time I closed my eyes.

     'Jellal Fernandes. An actual prick who had the nerve to confess to me. And I behaved to him like he was scum... He does have major personality problems, but he can change right...?'

     'I made him feel bad... He must have been hurt by the rejection already. But then I had to go and tell him how much I hated him! I'm so stupid... Gah. I feel bad. Why I'm I focusing on these thoughts?'

     I shook my head. I tried to think of something else. 'What would mom do? What would she think of me if she knew what I had done? She would scold me and ask me to apologise immediately... I'll do that. Nothing to worry about. It'll be alright.'

Jellal's POV:

     Hurt. That was all I felt. I don't remember how I got back home after Erza went away. She had looked at me with such hatred, I was spellbound.

     'She said she hated me. Hated me. What did I do? I was only nice to her... Right?' I wanted to cry. But no tears came out. 'I had never felt such liking towards any other girl... I thought she was the one for me. I'm so stupid!'

     'Life teaches us lessons so that we can learn from them. Yet, here I am... Making mistakes, forgetting what life taught me. Ofcourse I had to recieve punishment. I hate my life!'

     'I was so pathetic when I asked her to stay. To be friends with me. That was so cringy. So pathetic. I'm so pathetic. I can't be like that. I never was like that before...'

     I lied on my sofa for a long time, not moving. I tried to empty my mind. It was pretty easy actually. I felt nothing. I felt empty. By the time it was late in the evening, fireworks had started and the sky was filled with light.

     I could see the fireworks from the window. I turned on the sofa, my back to the window and face into the cushions. My sadness turned into anger.

     'I don't need anyone in my life. I was perfectly happy before she came. I will continue to be that way. She is not as nice as I thought she was anyways. It was all just a lie. It's better to forget about it all.'

     I made myself dinner and ate it while watching T.V. For a couple of hours, my mind was free from my thoughts. But when I went to bed, all of today's weight crashed upon me. I couldn't help the tear that slid down my temple and into my hair.


(A/n): Yeah. I'm sorry of I disappointed you all... This is for the story. I hope this dosen't end up as shit, though. Thank you for reading this story and supporting it. I love you all so much for that! Thank you, thank you so much!

Next Update: 18th May, 2020.



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