8. Cake for Gray-sama.

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Erza's POV:

     Juvia welcomed me into her house. Her parents were not home, so we had the kitchen to ourselves. She took me to the kitchen where she had arranged all the ingredients necessary for making a cake.

     "So, which cake are we making?" I asked her. Juvia answered, "Juvia thought about making brownies... Juvia doesn't know what Gray-sama would like... But everyone likes brownies!"

     I nodded and pulled up the recipe for brownies on my phone. Juvia gave me an apron and wore one herself, and we started making brownies.

One hour later

Erza's POV:

     Juvia pulled the brownies out of the oven. The brownie didn't exactly look the best, but it didn't look bad. Juvia carefully put the tray on the kitchen counter.

     We left the brownie to cool down. Both of us had patches of flour here and there, all over us. The kitchen was certainly a mess, but the brownie looked worth it. We put the aprons on the counter and went into the living room.

     A happy smile played around Juvia's lips as we sat on the sofa, tired. We sat in peaceful silence for a while. I spoke first, breaking the silence, "So, when are you going to give him the brownies?"

     Juvia gave it a thought and said, "Juvia will give the brownies to Gray-sama at lunch. That would be the best time." I nodded in agreement.

     "Juvia is very excited! Juvia hopes Gray-sama will like it." She said, blushing. I smiled and said, "He will, Juvia. After all, you have put your all in making this for him." "Juvia hopes so." She replied.

     After the brownies were chilled, we cut them into squares and Juvia packed them for Gray. She left some aside and packed them, giving them to me. "Thank you for helping me out!" She said as she offered me the brownies.

     "You're welcome. But I really wouldn't take them. Thanks for the offer." I replied. But Juvia stubbornly pushed it into my hands and said, "You have to take it!" I smiled and said, "Okay, okay... See you tomorrow! Bye." I left her house. "Bye!" Juvia replied.

     I washed my hands and made something for dinner. After having dinner, I opened the brownies and took a bite. They were soft, but not as sweet as I would have liked them to be. But they were good. 'Hopefully, Gray will like them as they are..'

Jellal's POV:

     I tossed and turned in the bed unable to stop thinking about a certain redhead. I had somehow managed to complete my homework, but now sleeping was becoming a difficult task.

     'I can't believe that I like her. I can't like her! Why would I like her?! I have only seen her once! Her beautiful red hair... Stop! What am I thinking?!... I am never going to sleep this way...'

     I got up and walked to the kitchen. I drank some water and sat for sometime on my bed before lying down. I shook my head hoping to disperse my thoughts. I fell asleep sometime later in the night.


Jellal's POV:

     I got up in morning falling out of my bed, getting myself a bruise on my right arm. I got up and groggily went into the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and entered the shower.

     My muscles groaned in relief under the warm water. But before I could enjoy the feeling, a sharp pain went up my right arm, from where I bruised myself. I winced as the bruised stinged on contact with the water. I ended my shower quickly and dressed up.

     'Thank goodness for the long sleeved uniform. I don't want those girls whining again...' Just thinking of them made me shudder. I left the house after having some toast and walked my way to school.

Erza's POV:

     Juvia and I went to school together. She was mumbling incoherent words to herself all the way to school. I guessed she must be nervous about giving the brownies to Gray, so I left her at it.

     We reached school and went into our Homeroom. We took our seats beside Lucy. On hearing Juvia's mumbling, she asked, confused, "Whoa, Juvia, what happened? Did you meet Gray again?" Juvia didn't answer. So, Lucy looked at me. I shook my head and said, "No. She didn't meet Gray today, but, she made brownies for him. She is just nervous."

     A mischievous grin rose on Lucy's lips. "Oooh... I see..." Lucy said, turning her attention to Juvia. "When are you going to give him the brownies, Juvia?" she asked her. Juvia spoke in a very low voice. I barely caught the words, "J-juvia plans t-to do it at-t l-lunch."

Jellal's POV:

     The bell rang and homeroom ended. I took my bag and was about to leave when an idiot decided to bump into me. Or, specifically my right arm.

     An involuntary groan escaped my mouth, "Argh.." And as soon as it did, I wished it hadn't. The girls around me suddenly turned all their attention towards me. They slowly edged closer and some of them started asking if I was hurt. Some just glared at the guy who bumped into me.

     I replied, "No, I am fine. I need to get to my next class..." They parted a way for me and I hurried through. But not as fast enough to not hear a girl say, "So cool! Not admitting that he was hurt..."

     'What's wrong with these girls?! Don't they have their own business to mind?' I reached my Maths classroom and took my usual seat. The teacher was not there yet and the students were making a lot of noise.

     I took out a book out of my bag and started practicing some sums. When the teacher entered, the class became quiet and everyone took their places. I put my book under my desk and took out the necessary books. He started teaching and everyone scribbled whatever he spoke, into their books.

     Halfway through the class, I realised that today, again, I was the only one who could answer what the teacher was teaching. Most of them were in a world of their own, very few actually trying to get the sums right. After some time the bell rang and I put my hand under my desk to retrieve my notebook.

     Something that was not my notebook touched my hand. It felt like paper... thick paper. I pulled it out along with my notebook. It was not something, but somethings. A couple of light pink coloured envelopes were clutched in my hand, with my name scribbled on them.

     I internally groaned and put them in my bag, not bothering to open them. I took my things and left the classroom.


Erza's POV:

     We sat at our usual table, waiting for Gray to grace us with his presence. Juvia was anxious and very nervous. Lucy put a hand on Juvia's shoulder and said in a calming voice, "Juvia, look here..." Juvia looked up into Lucy's eyes, her anxiety clouding her own. "... It will be fine. There is no reason for him to deny your brownies. Okay? Clam down..." Lucy tried to assure Juvia.

     "He's here! He's here!" Levy whispered. We looked up to see Gray trailing behind the Fairies and.. a moron. They took a seat at a table and we urged Juvia to go. She was a stuttering mess. So, we decided to go with her while she confronted Gray.

     Ahead of us, Juvia took small, unsure steps towards Gray while we trailed behind her. After what felt like ages, we reached the table where the Fairies, Gray and the moron were sitting.

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