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When Zion turned 15 shit got serious.

His drug addict of a mom left him, with his younger brother and sister, a two bedroom apartment, and a car.

A fifteen year old taking care of an eleven year old and an nine year old.

He picked up a paper that was on her pillow and read it a million times.

Hey babies. I know me being gone is odd, but I'll be back soon. In a few months I think. Your mama is gonna do something big after she gets out of rehab. I'll make it big and I'll buy my babies a house. A big house and you'll all have your own room. I love you all so much, I'll see you later. Bye my loves.

P.s Zion is in charge. Do whatever he says. Listen to him. Love you.

Zion put the note in his pocket. He wanted to cry, but he had to be strong for Elom and Robin. From the 'Zion is in charge' he could tell she wasn't coming back this time.

His dad died and his close family were so many states away and their mom cut off all contact with them so Zion had nobody to help him.

Zion had a job and a license and for his brother and sister he was gonna keep those.

Soon Hours turned to Days and Days turned to Weeks. Weeks Turned into Months and Zion had to scramble to get the rent paid every month. After the first month Elom's faith gave away.

Robin held onto hers for another two months and then one day Elom had to tell her the truth.

"Cut it out Robin," he screamed.

"Cut what out," Robin said as Zion looked at Elom seriously.

"You keep talking about mama but she's gone forever. She's a crackhead at their best and she took all the jewelry so she can get high and skip town. She ain't coming back."

Zion's mouth was agape. He closed it after a moment because he didn't want either of them to be oblivious to what was going on. He just didn't want the truth to come out that way.

"Elom take it back," Robin said eyes wide. She put her fork down and waited.

"I'm not taking anything back. Caleb can you please tell her?"

"Elom- Robin-"

She started crying. Literal sobbing. "No no no no," Zion says pulling Robin onto his lap. Robin hugged him and Zion sighed. "Robin, you know I'm gonna be honest with you about everything right?"

"Yeah," Robin hiccups.

"Well Elom is right. Mom is gone," Robin started crying harder.

"i know you wanna cry, but don't waste tears on her. we got each other. say it," Zion said drying Robin's tears.

"We got each other."

"You too elom."

"We got each other."

And they did.

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