1* first day

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*present day* September 6, 2018

"I'll never understand how you made it to highschool at thirteen cause your birthday late as hell but you did and I'm so happy for you cause you only got 3 years after this and you can get a fucking job," Zion said hugging her tight.

"You just jealous cause you almost got held back," Robin laughed, hugging him back.

"I still brought my grades up and got the fuck out of school. Elom come on. Bring your ass too," Zion said extending his arms out for Elom.

Elom hugged him with an eye roll.

"Work permit got it and Robin has dinner and that song for her instagram sponsor whatever the hell it is."

"You gonna talk to people this year," Zion asks Robin.

"I'll sing for my instagram thing and I'll use the money for groceries and clothes."

"I got groceries you use it for your clothes and your girly products," Zion said cringing.

"Yeah yeah groceries and clothes."

"Elom don't get expelled on the first day."

"Well tell people to stop grabbing Robin's everything and I won't get in trouble. These nasty niggas don't need they hands on my sister. That's a fact."

"Zion don't forget your singing thing too. Remember for the audtion," Robin said as they made their way out the house after touching the framed picture of their mom's letter. Zion locked up and they started walking down the stairs.

"Already recorded. I'll send it when I pick y'all up. Come on. We gone get this money," Zion said hyping everybody up.

They started chanting as soon as they got in the car.


Robin walked through the hallways blasting her music through her earphones. Her HYPE song Yellow was on.

Elom was standing right next to Robin.

I was down.
Now I'm better.
Stuntin with my dogs like my name is Cruella.

"Damn she got body," Robin felt the jocks eyes on her causing her to take an earbud out and look at Elom.

"Ignore it. They know me and they wouldn't dare say that shit to your face."

"Zion said don't get expelled and if you get expelled they'll bother me more. Keep that shit outta school but out the streets cause police," Robin said as they hugged as she made it to her class and Elom went to his.

She sat down in the third row, by the window.

These girls that looked like a clique walked in and Robin made sure they saw her roll her eyes.

They walked towards her and she sighed.

"Hi Ms, the disrespect you just gave is gonna need to stop," the taller ugliest one said. She was pretty to some, but the entitled spirit and her personality made her ugly.

Robin was too lost in thought to realize they were still talking to her.

"Hello," the tall one shrieked as more kids came into class and sat down.

Robin looked at her and gave her a look that majority would read as either 'what' or 'continue'.

"Like I was saying don't do it again," She said putting a fake smile on.

Robin sighed and shooed her away. The girl did one of those scoffs you see popular girls do in movies and she looks at her friends and gives her a nod.

"Keep that same energy after school on Friday," Robin laughed. Why couldn't she just do whatever they were gonna do after school today?

"You think something funny-"

"Look here lil girl. She not having yo shit. You too old to be in this class any fucking way. Freshman. We don't want yearbook pictures bitch. Bye," Robin turned around to see the girl that stepped in and she was soo glad she was black. If Robin had to deal with another white person like that she'd die.

"Friday," she said giving her a serious look.

Robin shrugged. She pulled out piece of paper and wrote 'thanks'. She handed it to the girl as the teacher stepped in the class.

"Welcome honors class," the teacher said as the girl moved from behind Robin to next to her.


"Hey I'm Elom. Robin this your friend," Elom introduced as he walked her to her next class, which coincidentally the girl (who's name was Camille) shared with Robin.

Robin nodded.

"Your sister said you would explain why she doesn't talk," Camille said looking in between them.

Elom looked at Robin, asking for permission. She nodded.

"You gotta build her trust. She might fuck with you now, but trust is her number one," he said. That wasn't the deep reason, but Robin and Camille just met and he don't want they business out in the streets cause an untrust worthy bitch.
"You got her number right?"


"Text her. That'll be her voice for a while," Elom and Robin hugged and he was off towards his class.

Camille and Robin walked in class and Robin pulled out her phone to text her.

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