21* okay.. yeah

811 14 0

April 2022

"I love hangouts but after a certain time they get packed," Robin said as the car stopped in the parking lot.

"There's gonna be hella people and twerking. Let's fucking go," Elom said he hopped out of the bus quickly.

Robin and Brandon stayed behind for a few minutes. Kissing until Edwin knocked and they hopped out. Robin jumped on Zion's back and they hugged fans.


Robin nodded her head at the question.

"There's a reason why you don't talk isn't there," this one girl asked.

"Yeah," Robin said. Out of the corner of her eye Brandon was getting yiked on by a girl. She turned her head and their eyes met and he looked uncomfortable. A sign that he wasn't enjoying this.

Robin turned back around and continued the conversation with people around her.

"When did you get your tattoo? I haven't seen it on your Instagram?"

"It was a.. um," she took a deep breath. Talking to all these people was still something new to her but she promised herself that she would open up more. "A late birthday present from E. He knew I wanted one for years so two months ago he took me to get one."

"What's the situation with your parents," One asked. Robin shook her head no, there will still limits to things she would talk about.

"How old are you," Robin smiled and shrughed.

"Old enough I guess."

"Rememeber me?"

"Devon," Robin asked.

He nods and she hugs him.

"You look gorgeous," he says with a smile.

Robin smiles. THANKS BUT I HAVE A BOYFRAN. "Thank you so much," she says instead.

"How long are you gonna be here this time?"

"The hangouts usally last a few hours then the concert," he says.

"Damn. You always this busy?"

"When you're rocking pretty you get used to it," she says an awkward silence grows and they stand their quietly til more people come and she answers more questions.

Brandon comes up towards her and she turns around to look at him.

"Yeah," she says.

"You good," he asks, resisting the urger to wrap his arms around her waist and bury his face into her neck.

"Yeah. I'm fine. What's wrong," she asks noticing the weird look on his face.

He leans down and in a whisper asks, "Who's he?"

"Devon," she says back in his ear. "Why is something wrong?"

"Nothing," he says shrugging, then walking off.

Guys are so weird. He was just getting twerked on, but when I say 'hi'- What the fuck? She didn't even wanna let that make her mad so she just quickly changed her thoughts and focused on her 'fans' (family in her eyes).


silentkuwonu: malu if you could kindly hop off of me for a few seconds

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silentkuwonu: malu if you could kindly hop off of me for a few seconds. I just need a chance to BREATH.

malutrevejo: bby. im never hopping off. im obsesses wit chu.

zionkuwonu: 👀

theaustinporter: 👀


silentkuwonu: @edwinhonoret is not yur folt. I sowry.

edwinhonoret:  it's okay 😖

therealnickmara: anybody gonna point out- nvm.

"Why are you mad," Robin asks.

"I'm not mad," he says laying in the bed across from her.

"Okay well then why are you being petty?"

"How am I being petty," he snaps.

"Never mind," she says as she lays down. She opens up her phone and texts her best friend.

hoe slapper

wig snatcher

hoe slapper
He's mad rn.

wig snatcher
Oou. What happened?? 🍿

hoe slapper
remember when i told you i met this kid and i felt bad cos E n Z kicked him out.

wig snatcher
Yeerp. Cos you said he was adorable but not ur type. Or some shit.

hoe slapper
Brandon got upset cos that kid showed up at a hangout and i hugged him I HUGGED THAT WHOLE CIRCLE OF PPL BUT HE GETS MAD AT THIS ONE PERSON??
The thing that is so irritating ab this while situation type thing is that he got YIKED n TWERKED ON By girls (he didn't enjoy it but still) and then he gets mad at me??

wig snatcher
Damn this a some bomb ass apple sauce. And i feel ya gurl.

Robin felt his instense stare on her and she looked at him.

She texted Camille 'im tired. nite. i love you and ill text you tmr' before turning her phone off.

"I'm sorry," he says, he gets up and walks the short distance to Robin's bed. He gets in and scoots really close to Robin. She turns to her back him and he sighs. "I deserve that." He kisses her shoulder and she almost gave in. "I shouldn't have acted like that. At all. And yelling at you. And I'm sorry for the hypocrisy. I didn't like it at all but if I pushed them off there would have been backlash so I was stuck. I'm so sorry Robin," Robin turns towards him and she closes her eyes.

"I accept your apology," she says opening her eyes with a smirk.

"Okay. Now what do you wanna watch?"

"My eyelids because it's 2 am."

"But you gotta stay up til 3 with me," he says, poking out his botton lip.

Robin laughs, but lays her head on his chest and he puts on Wild n' Out and watches the clock.

"Happy 6 Months," he says to her.

Robin yawns. "Happy 6 Months. Goodnight."

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