*24 i aint never did this before

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Brandon dropped his bag silently. Robin placed her bag on the floor and closed the door behind her.

"What's wrong," he asks as Robin plops onto the bed.

"Nothing," she says voice muffled by the pillow.

"You keep having these weird ass mood swings," he says laying next to Robin.

What was the point of getting a room with two beds if they would always lay in the same bed?

"You wouldn't understand it," Robin decides, getting up and going into her bag. She pulls out her shorts, a tank top, and a sweater. At the last minute she decides to take a shower. Pulling out panties and a sports bra too.

"Try me," he says.

He kind of sounded like a dad you'd see on TV that's trying to make a connection with his teenage child.

The thought had Robin laughing as she walked into the bathroom.

She turned the water on and put her hair into a messy bun.

Then the thought crossed her mind. EW. She cringed. I'm a child compared to Brandon. Robin being the very hormonal teenager grew angry. Now she was sexually frustrated and ANGRY.

She showerd til she looked like a prune and brushed her teeth for what she could've swarn was an hour but was only 15 minutes.

When she walked back into their shared room she seen that big giant taking up half of her bed and took a deep breath.

She maneuvered over him and lay down beside him. Somehow his head ended up on her stomach and she played with his hair. Turning the light off and scrolling through social media. Texting Camille and Mosey occasionally.

Robin turned her phone off and groaned when she realized Brandon had pants on. WHAT PERSON CAN SLEEP WITH SKINNY JEANS?

"Hm," he said moving against her stomach.

"Nothing," she said carding her fingers through his hair in a soothing manner.

She took a deep deep deep breath and let it out.


"Show me how much you want me," Brandon said.

"How," she asked, looking up at him with begging eyes.

"Any way you want," his eyes went daring and Robin took his-

"ROBIN," Brandon screamed.

"Yeah," she said, getting up quickly and searching the room for the fire.

"I got you food and I came back and you were-," Brandon doesn't know if he should say moaning or whimpering. He had watched for 10 minutes and during the 10 minutes she had done both.

"I was what," She asks with an innocent look in her eyes.

He clears his throat and shakes his head. WHY DOES SHE DO THIS TO ME?

"Nothing," Brandon says handing her her food. The lump in his throat causes him to swallow and Robin watches his Adam's Apple.

She takes a sip of her tea, satisfied at the taste, and looks over Brandon's facial features.

She put her food on the dresser and scoots closer to Brandon. She sits on his lap, which isn't anything out of ordinary because it's not the first time and it probably won't be the last, her hand meets Brandon's cheek and his hands meet her waist. He kisses her slow. Nothing unusual. Tongue here and there.

NOTHING UNUSUAL. They've kissed millions of times. Tongue has been added millions of times. Never gotten anywhere, but it's been added.

One of Brandon's hand go lower and he squeezes Robin's right ass cheek. Robin moans into his mouth. At this point the kiss was HEATED. Robin slightly shoved Brandon back, he took the hint and laid down.  She sat on his He was growing hard and Robin could feel it. They started to kiss again, with the same amount of heat and Robin couldn't help it.

Experimentally she grinded up against Brandon and his eyes rolled back and she moaned. The pleasure that was able to be felt was wonderful. Robin's thin shorts allowed her to feel Brandon's hard memeber against her and the friction drove Brandon insane.

Brandon pulled back panting. He helped Robin out of her shirt and she threw it across the room. Brandon took his shirt off and Robin's hands trailed along his abs.

Once Again, NOTHING UNUSUAL. They've seen each other without a shirt and/or pants on plenty of times, Even before they were together. Brandon's accidentally seen Robin without a bra on once or twice. In his defence Robin rarely wears bras and he just wanted to charge his phone.

Brandon's hand met the back of Robin's neck and he pulled her down. He could kiss her for an eternity. Her lips were so soft.

Robin didn't know when Brandon got the upperhand, but when he did he flipped them. He started grinding against her and Robin starts to moan, although she swears she's seen this in one of her 'special videos' she didn't know what to call it.

HUMPING! A horrible title for something that feels so great.

Brandon shifted his hips and applied more pressure. Robin moaned louder. Brandon pulled back and kissed Robin's shoulder.

Every moan and groan they made went into the other's ear.

Brandon pulled back completely from Robin and started to unbutton his pants. Robin helped him take them off and he kissed her as he moved back into his place in between her thighs. He grinded against her and BLISS. Pure Bliss.

The way he was rubbing against her, the pleasure he was causing her sent her so close to the edge.

Her moans in his ear, the friction, everything had his body feeling like it was on fire.

He kissed from Robin's neck, to her shoulders. Leaving small hickeys on her shoulder.

Robin was soaking, her panties were soaked, her shorts probably had a damp patch on them.

A lot was going on and they were both so close. So so damn close.

Knock. KnockKnockKnock. Knock Knock. "Yo," Edwin called through the door.

They stopped the heated kiss and looked at the door.

"I know y'all are in there," he says louder.

"Ed-," he clears his throat. "Yeah Eddie?"

"We're all finna go to the mall and y'all don't have a choice in going so come on," Edwin explains.

"Be there in a second," Brandon calls back. Laying his forehead on Robin's shoulder.

After a moment Robin laughed. Brandon joined in too.

"Sorry about-," Brandon starts.

"No, don't apologize. That- this was fucking amazing," Robin says. She drapes her arms on Brandon's back and he moved up to kiss her. They kiss slow before Brandon pulls back and hands Robin her food.

"You should eat something," Robin takes her food and sits up.

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