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Robin knocked on the door one time before the door was opened quickly by Brandon.

He hugged her quickly and tight.

"Hi," she said when he pulled back.

"We gotta go," he said.

Fuck. "The concert," Robin said as Brandon pulled her to the elevator. Robin checked her watch and seen they had an hour and thirty.

Brandon called an uber and he couldn't put the emotions he was feeling into words. Robin rarely disappears and even when she did she usually kept in contact and she's never gone for more than an hour. This time she was gone for longer and didn't talk to anyone. They were all freaking out trying to figure out if she was even okay.

As they waited for the uber he texted Zion and tried to talk to Robin, but she would just looked at him and shake her head. When the SUV pulled up he held Robin's hand. Squeezing it to reassure her.

When they got in Robin pulled him to the very back row.

She sat on his lap and his hands instantly met her hips. She kissed him, full of a newfound lust and passion. Their hips move together and he groaned. She pulled back and kissed behind his ear.

"Make me feel better," she said looking into his eyes. She kissed him again and he moved his hands down to her ass. Squeezing, she whimpered at the feel.

"You gotta tell me what you need baby," he pulled back to say.

The uber driver cleared his throat and they pulled apart.

"You're here. I already received me pay. You two have fun," the guy told them.

They thanked him and climbed out of his car. They entered the building through the back and Robin was engulfed in hugs.

"Where'd you go," she was asked a million times.

"I honestly don't know," she answered.

They rehearsed and waited, Robin kept the conversation minimum to non-existent with Zion.

They rehearsed and waited, Robin kept the conversation minimum to non-existent with Zion

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silentkuwonu: New York thank you for having my goofy ass family and I.
bet y'all can't quote my lyrics tho -_-

@fuckmesilent: when you hit the bridge on clarify I be crying you go. no you wouldn't- COULD YOU TELL ME why I'm. AND I BE LIKE: stop. stop. stop. omg. Omg. OmG. NuTtTt.

@swooned: ^ big facts

@papicholo: THAT 'unreleased' song Mosey n you wrote. I FUCKING CANNOT.

@daddyyyy: remember when someone said "write a song on the spot about fake ppl" and you sang 123 DON'T TRY ME. 456 I'LL HIT YOU WITH A BRICK. 789 WHY YOU STEADY TRYING? 10 DON'T MAKE ME GO THROUGH THIS AGAIN. (AND YOU HIT THAT IF HIGH NOTE. EVERYONE WAS DYING OF LAUGHTER)

@jessiemadchill: @daddyyyy I WAS THERE. I HAD HER SIGN MY BOOBS.

Zion knocked on the door and Robin yawned. Brandon kissed her shoulder as she got up.

She opened the door and yawned. "Yeah?"

"Come with me," he told her.

"Caleb? You're scary as hell right now," Robin said squinting.

"Just come. I wanna talk to you," Robin slipped on shoes and grabbed her phone before following Zion. She tried not to fall asleep on the elevator.

They walked to a diner type place down the street and Zion brought Robin to a table.

"I'm sorry," he started.

"For what," she asked. Confused. She checked her phone and it was 4 am.

"Allison and Simon and Chantel and-"

"Yo, Caleb I'm fine-"

"You told me you never wanted counseling and now Simon is basically forcing you to do it and it's my fault."

"I fought her. You got us away from Canada. Gave us all a fresh start. You don't need to apologize. Don't apologize I was hurt for a moment, but mom left us. Mom hurt me. Not you. Don't blame that on you. You helped me when mom left. That must've been really hard and I'm sorry for putting that on you."

"Don't apologize. I'm your big brother, I'm always gonna be there for you," Zion told her.

After a few minutes of silence Robin yawned.

"You want anything to eat?"

"You know what would sound really good?"

"A big ass burger with bacon?"

"Yeah. You know me so well," Robin said. They laughed as Zion waved the waitress to their table.

ps. Special thanks to pmwife and Rayaanna14 . Thank y'all so much 💕

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