9* she came back

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San Franciso, California.
This was always one of the coldest cities.

After singing and dancing on stage everybody went backstage and got ready for the meet and greet.

This was everybody's favorite part, meeting fans and taking pictures with them. Getting to know people who supported them since they started.

Robin was signing autographs for people when she seen somebody who looked familiar. She finished signing a fan named Anna's arm. Next was the person who looked all too familiar.

"To Allison," she says.

Allison... That was her mother's name. Robin signed it and Allison smiled.
"Hey babygirl," Allison was last in line and Robin wished she wasn't.

She looked at her confused.
"I know you didn't forget about me," Allison said. Robin started to shake her head no.

"Ain't no sunshine when she's gone. Only darkness every day," Allison sang.

Robin shook her head no.
"I'm so sorry for leaving you and your brothers baby. I had go get better. Better for you," she started speaking. She tried to grab Robin, but Robin yanked her hands from her.

She started rambling. Apologies, I love yous, come back to me.

At this point the meet and greet was over. Elom started walking towards Robin. Seeing this lady talking to her and trying to touch her.

"Mom stop," Robin tried. Allison kept speaking. "Mom," she called. Elom walked up to Robin and touched her shoulder. Allison's eyes lit up at the sight of Elom. "My baby boy." She started speaking faster and Robin held in her tears. "Allison," she yelled. Allison stopped speaking and looked at Robin. "Stop. Just stop."

Robin ran off into her dressing room and Elom followed her. Zion, having seen the whole thing walked up to Allison. "You had no right to do that. Leave," he said.

"Zion you can't kick me out," her hands went up to Zion's face and he grabbed her hands and removed them from his face.

"Leave," Allison took a deep breath and sighed.

"I'll always love all three of you. Don't you ever forget that," Allison said. She walked out and Zion took a deep breath.

The boys hugged him and then he went to Robin.

He opened her door then closed it behind him.
Robin was hugging Elom tight and crying into his chest.

"Hey," he said.

Rovin looked up at him and he leaned down and hugged her.
He shushed her and they sat in silence til she calmed down.

"Remember what I said?"

"Don't cry over her," Robin hiccuped.

"Mhm. Don't waste your tears on her. We got each other."

"We got each other," Elom said rubbing Robin's back.

"Say it," Zion told her.

"We got each other," Robin said. She dried her tears and took a deep breath.

"Come on," Zion said helping her up.

They walked out of her room and the boys gathered them in a group hug and started hyping each other up.

we got each other (PRETTYMUCH) Where stories live. Discover now