23* wet dreamz

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"Please," Robin whimpered as Brandon's hands gripped her ass.

"Please what baby," he asked back as he pressed kisses along her neck.

"Please touch me," she gasped as he flipped them over.

He helped her out of her shirt then pressed kisses down her stomach. He yanked her pants off of her and let his fingers dance along her panties. With his other hand he rubbed Robin's left breast. Robin took her bra off to speed up the process and he pinched her nipple, rubbing over it as it rised.

"Do you want breakfast," he asked her.

Robin squinted at him. "Hm?"


Robin opened her eyes to see Brandon laying there. It felt so real. GOD DAMN HORMONES.

"I eat the same thing everyday," she said turning away from him.

"You Bio okay," he asked wrapping his arm around her waist and holding her.

The way he was holding her made Robin want him to fuck her even more.

"Yeah I'm fine. Just cramps," she cringed at her own lie. She wouldn't have to deal with her period for another month. Brandon sensed a lie too but he didnt mention it.

"Want me to get the heating pad," he asked kissing the back of her neck. The kiss made butterflies attack her stomach and she smiled.

"No. They'll pass," Brandon nodded and got up to get in the shower and then get dressed.

Robin put her glasses on and flipped (the turned around) Brandon off. She could tell she was going to be mad at Brandon all day.

She would just have to masturbate when he left.

"Asshole," she muttered.

"Hm," Brandon asked making his way towards the bathroom.

"Mornin'," she said smiling.

"Morning," he smiled the walked into the bathroom and left the door ajar.

Just picturing a naked Brandon made Robin's insides explode.

If only Robin knew the affect she had on Brandon.


"The vibes are off with this one," Austin said as he sat next to Robin.

She looked at him as she shuffled the cards she had just bought.

"Wanna play," she asked.

"What game?"


"You cheat at that game," Robin's eyes went wide.

"No. You just suck," she said back.

"Goldfish," he suggested.

"You cheat at that game."

"Nah, I'm just the best."

"Have you ever heard of Beggar-My-Neighbor," she asked.

"Sort of," he said.

"It's British. Also called Egyptian Ratscrew. I'll teach you. We need another player," Please don't say Brandon.

"Brandon you know how to play Egyptian Rat Screw," Austin asked.

Brandon hopped off his bunk and sat on Robin's. "Yeah. I know how to play."

Brandon kissed Robin's cheek as she started to hand out cards and she smiled.

"In a way it's like Blackjack," Robin said. She counted out the cards she handed herself then put the extras to the side. "Show us the card before you place it down," Brandon took the first card from his deck and showed Austin and Robin before putting it down.

2 of Diamonds.

"Wait. Nope. Four people since this is your first time," Robin said. "Elom," Robin called.

"Yeah," Elom yelled back.

"Wanna play Beggar-My-Neighbor?"

"If we're playing the Rat way," Elom said getting up and sitting on Robin's bunk.

Robin helps them adjust to a way that looks easier for the game and then she starts to instruct again. She picked up the extras and everyone elses cards then passed them all out until all the cards were dispensed.

In the end Elom won.

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