16* damn

834 15 5

October 25

Robin opened her Snapchat on Monday with Determination. To Piss Someone off.

She blocked Zion from her story with custom and took a deep breath.

She captioned it with 'I know all y'all gonna send it to Zion, but this guy STILL my MCM'

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She captioned it with 'I know all y'all gonna send it to Zion, but this guy STILL my MCM'

Why was she mad? Cause Elom can get twerked on and nearly fucked, but Robin still can't talk to boys. Her 16th was in three fucking days.

After 10 mintues Zion was in her room.

"Hey Zion, how's your afternoon?"

"Great. Why can't I see your story?"

"Why do you assume I posted on my story?"

"You suck at lying," Zion says chuckling.

"No. I just suck at lying to you. Whats the urgency to see my story about?"

"Your 'MCM' is older than me," Zion says.

"At least he's only a crush," Robin tries to reason.

"That's not the point. He's not gonna see your personality if you're typing shit like he's your MCM. He's gonna see one thing and want one thing," Zion tells her.

"I know," Robin says.

"I'm not gonna tell you to delete it. I'll let you pick," Zion says. Robin hugs him tight and sighs.

"You're kinda-"

"The greatest brother ever?"

"Yeah. Sure. Now get out of my room. I'm a teenager," Robin says.

Zion gets up with his hands up and leaves the room. Robin deletes is off her story and allows Zion to see her story.


"Zion I have a question?"

"Probably no, but ask if you want," Zion says looking for something to eat in the fridge.

"Since I have my license-"

"No. Continue, but something is telling me to say no."

"Can I go to Matt's studio?"

"Aww," Zion says hugging her. Robin is slightly confused, but she hugs him back nonetheless. "I thought you were gonna ask to go to a party," Zion says. "Go if you want, but take someone with you."

Of course there was a but, however Robin was okay with this.


"I got food to eat."

Robin walked out of the kitchen and up the stairs. She heard shower water running and decided that whoever was in the shower was already eliminated.

She knocked on Elom's door and heard a lot of suspicious shuffling.

"Who is it?"

"Never mind. You sound.. busy," Robin cringed.

Next door. Austin. She knocked and heard 'open' from the other side.

"Are you busy?"

"Depends on the time."

"You have enough time to go to Matt's?"

"Date in an hour. Think we'll be back by then?"



"It's fine. Who's the lucky girl?"

"Her name is Destiny. She's a small actress. After talking for a while I planned a fancy ass date," Austin says blushing.

"Good luck," Robin tells him.

"Thanks," he says, smiling at Robin. She closes the door and walks to the next one.

She knocks and it's open by Nick. Him and Brandon seem to be talking.

"Hey, sorry to interupt."

"It's fine. Nick was just getting his ass handed to him in fortnite," Brandon says, smile bright.

Nick shakes his head. "I'm letting him win because he sucks."

Robin chuckles.

"What'd you need?"

"Anyone of you wanna go to Matt's? I'll pay for food afterwards."

"As much as I love free meals, Elom's supposed to be showing me some skating and parkour places," Nick says.

Robin looks at Brandon. With hope in her eyes. "You free?"

"Yeah," Brandon shrugs.

"Are you sure," Robin adjusts her glasses nervously.

"Yeah. Nick and Elom are about to leave and after that I'd be as bored as you are," Brandon explains.

"Alright. I'm gonna change and then if you want we can leave- or we can wait," Robin stuttered on her plans and ended the suggestions with a deep sigh. She didn't understand why she was so nervous around him all of a sudden.

"We can go after you change," Brandon smiles and Robin closes the door and runs to her room.

"Maybe if you were more nonchalant about the big ass crush you had on Zion's little sister conversations like this wouldn't be awkward," Nick says unpausing the game.

"She's 16. There is no crush," Bradon says. Fuck. If he were younger. Or Robin were older.

"You're not gonna be saying that 2 years from now. Or when she's 21," Nick says. Brandon blushes and Nick chuckles, going back to 'letting Brandon win'.

"About earlier; whatever you thought happened didn't," Elom said wiping his palms together.

"Ew," is the only thing Robin says.

She had been finished changing and she got herself two waters. Brandon is his own person.

Brandon walks down the stairs and goes into the fridge. Getting two waters as well because Robin had them and anytime she danced she did something intense for no reason.

The drive to Matt's studio was normal. They had the usual conversation they did when they were alone. About each other's life.. the usual.

"Zion was okay with your MCM?"

"He said it was my choice to take it down. The crush for him faded and I only posted that to..," she couldn't find the right word.

"Make someone jealous or piss someone off?"

"Both I guess," she shrugged.

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