17* booty

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"Shh. You're grounding yourself," Robin explains.

"The floors could be dirty."

"This is my reserved room. The times when I have a session with a group I make sure the floors are mopped by me then mopped by the janitor. Just shush and put your head on the hardwood."

Brandon burst out laughing. Usually Zion would laugh at things like that. Robin started laughing too after a minute.

"Is this what you do everytime you take a break," Brandon asked after calming down and finally letting his head touch the hardwood.

"Well the excessive grinding had you far from tired and you called break. If you were able to keep up we wouldn't be on the floor," Robin is challenging him in a way.

"Tell me about when you were younger," neither Brandon or Robin could recall when Brandon started asking Robin to tell him stories of her life. It just kinda happened.

"Before I stopped talking or after?"

"Before," Brandon picks.

"I hold on to hope for too long."

"You can never hope for too long," Brandon looks at Robin and her eyes are closed. Like She's remembering.

"Zion would always get whatever money she had left and buy me and Elom something. He never once bought himself something. Always cared about us," Brandon listened intently. "Zion was like the mom and my dad. He raised us and still is."

"What happened to your dad- if you don't mind my asking," Robin smiled. Brandon was cute. A perfect gentleman when it was just them two.

"He was in a car crash, before that him and m-," she stopped. Taking a deep breath. "Mom were toxic. Zion says from what he heard when he was little our Mom's side never liked our dad because of what he brought her around, but she was in love."

"Wow," Brandon says. Robin finally looks at him and she seems worried. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing," she tries to blink away her worry, but he knows her too well. "You're a really great person you know?"

She quickly gets up and helps Brandon up. She turns on Yellow and teaches him the choreograph she made to that song. Completely dismissing the weird wave of feelings she was getting for him.

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