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silentkuwonu: "UnBlOcK mE pLs"

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silentkuwonu: "UnBlOcK mE pLs"

@fightmehoesss: OMG NOOO. YOU'RE WEARING MAKEUP. 😭😭

@silentkuwonu: Zion is making me :,(   @fightmehoesss

@madshade: Anybody gone talk about how shady this is

@elomkuwomu: So... y'all gone fight?

@peepingheadassary: ^Elom instigating??

@malutrevejozzbitch: I'm SS you dirty hoe.

@silentkuwonu: ^^ @malutrevejozzbitch 😂😂 That's pretty neat.

@lovingmyelf: @zionkuwonu

@silentssssstweets: @zionkuwonu

@theaustinporter: *gets popcorn*

@brandon_arreaga: You gonna share @theaustinporter?

@theaustinporter: I gotchu @brandon_arreaga

@edwinhonoret: "No hair pulling, no scratching, I want a clean fight"

lovemesomesilent: @edwinhonoret💀💀 DEAD

@thenickmara: I'll be the referee 😀

@gotdamnzo: WHAT'S THE TEA?

Robin liked zo's comment before turning her phone off and walking out of her hotel room.

"Please don't start shit with Malu. Just leave her in the past," Zion says as Robin joins the group. They walk down the hall and wait for the elevator.

"I'm not. She keeps reaching out to me. She's starting stuff with me because I don't like her," Robin says as the elevator dings and everyone gets on.

"Well, if y'all do fight: No hair pulling, no scratching, no biting, no kicking, but kneeing is optional. You read what I said," Edwin says pushing the button.

"I want front row tickets," Elom says.

"Maybe y'all don't have to fight," Brandon shrugs.

"You're right. All Malu does is talk," the elevator dings and they get out and walk through the lobby.

When they get outside they're met with fans and paparazzi they smile as they walk towards the car. Occasionally stopping to take pictures with fans or sign autographs.

When they get to the car the bodyguard helped them get in and then they continued their conversation.

"No. What I was saying was: Maybe you and Malu can talk it out," Brandon elaborates.

"Robin doesn't talk to Malu," Elom says. "Robin barely talks."

"I do talk," Robin disagrees.

"To people you trust," Austin says.

"Doesn't Malu live in this state," Robin asks.

"Shit I forgot," Zion says.

When they got to the fancy restaurant that Simon payed for Robin noticed Malu's mother and if Malu's mother was there then Malu must be too.

Robin hit Zion's arm and nodded towards Malu's mom.

"Fuck," he groaned as they all followed the waiter that led them to their table.

"Maybe it's coincidental," Brandon says.

Robin goes on Instagram and looks for signs of a coincidence.
"She takes her mom here monthly," Robin says reading DMs that fans sent her the second she got in the car.

If you not tryna run into Malu dont go to the Victoria and Albert's restaurant. Malu think she a 'baller' so she take her mom there.

Malu is at this one restaurant monthly. You didn't hear it from me tho.

"Maybe Simon did this on purpose so I could talk to-," Robin shuts up as she noticed Malu walking to their table.

Malu pulled a chair from another table and sat it right next Robin. She sat in the chair and eyed Robin up and down.

"You all ready to order," the waiter asked.

"Yes," Brandon said.

They all listed off their orders and Robin pointed at what she wanted.

"You talk so much on IG, but you're silent now," Malu says.

Robin laughs. What the fuck else did she expect?

"Why are you laughing? Ain't shit funny," Malu says. Edwin starts laughing too. Then Zion. Then Brandon. Then everyone else at their table except for Malu.

"Y'all laughing at me," Malu asks.

Robin holds her stomach and nods. She unlocks her phone with her thumb and goes into her Notes.

Why are you here?

"Cause it's a free country," Malu says.

Robin starts laughing. Harder.

That's kinda cool. Isn't it? Why are you starting shit with me? I don't like you. So what? A lot of people don't like you. Live with that shit and leave me alone, Robin never wanted to text Malu paragraphs, but tonight she would text Malu a whole book on why she didn't like her if she had too.

"I haven't done shit. I just tried to get with your brother you fucked that up. Why? Are you jealous?"

"Woah," Zion said. "I don't mean to hurt feelings, but I'm not interested."

Robin drank the water that was in front of her to try and calm herself down. All this laughing was starting to make her head hurt.

"Why? Cause your sister doesn't like me?"

"No, you're a shit starter," he shrugged and Malu looked like she was getting flustered.

"I don't do anything to nobody. I'm a good person-" Robin shut her up with a video.

"Don't do this again," the first words Robin has ever said to Malu.

Malu went wide eyed. "That's fucked up. You're a fucked up person."

"No you're just fake. Now can you please leave? This is a family dinner."

"Unblock me since you have so much shit to say."

"I'll consider it," Robin said. Malu got up with an eye roll and moved the chair back. She went back to her table, then like magic the food was served and they all went back to having a conversation.

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