3* lets go to the roof

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Camille was asking Robin questions. To get to know her. Robin would text questions as well. She ingored any deep question Camille asked because they've know each other for four days.

Elom was a few feet away from them keeping an eye on Robin, but also having a conversation.

Robin slipped her phone into her pocket and listened to Camille tell a story about her family.

The girl (who they found out that her name was Chantel) walked up to them and pushed Robin. "My man keeps staring at you." She pushed Robin again and Elom ran to Robin. Holding her back.

"Back off," he said to Chantel.

Robin looked at him and he let her go.
Robin shrugs at Chantel, she pulls her pants up and looks back at her ass. She smirks at Chantel and Chantel slaps her. Chantel's goon starts recording. Robin instantly slapped her back causing Chantel to stumble back.

"Back up," Elom said to Camille. "If any of you ditsy bitches touch my sister I got something for you," the goons back up and Chantel takes her heels off.

Robin stands there. Next thing Robin knows Chantel punches her cheek and Robin takes off. She punched Chantel back in her nose and Chantel falls. Grabbing her nose. Robin kicks Chantel in her stomach and then she sits on her waist, punching her everywhere til Chantel screams she's sorry. At that point Elom's friends were guarding so no one would be able to see the fight. The goons had video but Camille snatched the phone and throws it. Elom tries to pull Robin off but she resists.

"Come on. Let her go," Elom says. At this point Robin was kicking her with the anger she felt towards her mom.

Elom finally yanks her off and throws her over his shoulder. They make their way away from school quickly. Calling Zion.

"Snitch if you want," Camille says taking her phone out and taking pictures for blackmail. She walks to where Robin and Elom were.

"You coming," Elom asks as he put Robin into the car.

"Yeah," Camille says. She gets in the car and Robin has her head on Elom's shoulder. Taking deep breaths.

"Robin," Zion calls out to her.

She nods up at him and he looks through the mirror.

"You're fine. Calm down," he said turning his eyes to the road.


"Did the video get out?"

"Camille threw the phone in one of those things that got hella water in it on the side of a street," Elom says as Zion cleans Robin's fists.

"The shit that Pennywise pulled lil dude into in the beginning?"


"I got pictures," Camille says. She gets up and shows Zion.

"Fuck," he says looking at the pictures then Robin. "Glad Elom pulled you off. Her nose might be broke. Sprained Ribs. Black eye," Zion says. "You gotta delete those. They ain't good for her."

Camille deletes them quick and Zion nods at her.

"I got the email," Zion says finishing with the wrap on Robin's hand.

"Really," Elom exclaims.

"Yeah. I'm gonna be in a group. PRETTYMUCH. Y'all gone be in the industry too. Told y'all I was taking y'all with me," Zion said as Robin and Elom embraced him with a hug.

"We leaving next month."

"Holy shit. The apartment?"

"Yeah. We're gonna put all our stuff in storage. In L.A. We're gonna live in a house. Shit's gonna be big."

"Thanks," Robin whispers in his ear.

"Camille you ever heard Robin sing," Zion asked her.

Robin's eyes go wide.

"No. I've never even heard her talk."

"Listen," Zion says unlocking his phone and going into his videos. He plays a video of Robin singing Woman by Joel Culpepper.

"Those high notes. Damn," Camille said feeling her lower throat.

Robin moved her hand to the middle, showing her where the pain in those notes where.

"She sings, writes, and dances," Zion said, smiling cause he raised these excellent kids. "Elom raps," he picks another video of a freestyle Elom did.

Robin pulls her phone out of her pocket. Wincing, she unlocks it and shows a video of Zion singing Morning. She titled the video 'He gone be big'.

"Damn," Camille's eyes went wide. She officially had a crush on Elom and Zion.

"I gotta go," Camille says checking the time on her phone.

"I can take you. If it's on my way. Four hour shift cause I wanna take y'all to dinner to celebrate," he said getting his keys and his wallet. Camille and Zion walk out, silently.

"Wanna go on the roof and smoke- Cause you're in pain," he said holding up a bag that held three blunts.

"You didnt steal from Zion did you?"

"No," Elom said pulling out his lighter.

"Yeah," Robin said as they walked out and closed the door. They locked it and Robin made sure she had her key and phone. They walked up the stairs and made sure the big rock they put up there was still there, they put it in front of the door before lighting up. Robin checking the door every once in a while.

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