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theshaderoomteens: what was supposed to be a chill day at the mall took a quick turn when someone grabbed @silentkuwuno 's ass

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theshaderoomteens: what was supposed to be a chill day at the mall took a quick turn when someone grabbed @silentkuwuno 's ass. Her boyfriend @brandon_arreaga and the ass-grabber got into an altercation and things went south. (the ass-grabber got his ass beat) Thoughts?

@slobbinknobiin: BITCH WTFFF. IM LOSING MY SHIT.

@gotdamnzo: ☕👀

@papicholo: @silentkuwuno ???

@devin_gordon: welp. there goes my chance. 😓


@zionkuwonu: 👀

@theaustinporter: ☕👀

@edwinhonoret: 👀 ⛵

@therealnickmara: 👀

@elomkuwonu: 👀👀👀👀

~~~ meanwhile

"Take this off," Robin instructed as she pulled back from Brandon.

Brandon took his shirt off and went back to kissing Robin. Robin pulled back and took her shirt off, exposing her laced bra. She reached in between them and hurriedly took Brandon's belt off. She throws it behind them and takes her glasses off. Brandon takes his off and Robin gets off his lap and takes her pants off. Brandon stands up to take his off, after doing so he picks Robin up, causing her to squeal. He places her gently on the bed. He pecks her lips before going lower. Leaving trails of kisses down her neck and her breast.

"Y'ALL KNOW WE GOT A CONCERT RIGHT," Nick yells through the door.

Robin looks at the time and huffs.

Brandon continues to trail soft kisses down her stomach til he reach the hem of her panties. He kissed her thighs-

"I SAID 'Y'ALL KNOW WE GOT A CONCERT'," Nick yells again.

Brandon gets up and kisses Robin. When he pulls back Robin whines.

"Maybe next time baby," the seductive tone and smirk on his face made Robin cut her eyes at him.

He chuckles and kisses her cheek.

He gets up and gets his glasses. Robin manages to through a pillow at the back of his head, causing him to burst out laughing. Robin picks her glasses up and puts them on.


"Thank you all so much for coming out here. Goodnight," they all say together. They wave and do their final thing before walking backstage.

"You ready for the interview," Brandon asks Robin as she untucks her shirt.

"You have any scissors," she asks.

"No," he says shaking his head.

"Anybody have scissors," she asks.

A lady that was helping them gives Robin scissors and Robin explains she's trying to cut her shirt. The lady helps her cut it and Robin's oversized 'Ozzy Osbourne' shirt is a crop top.

Robin thanks the lady about a million times because that's how she is.

"Are you ready," Brandon asks when him and Robin finally make eye contact.

Robin wants to scream 'YOU'RE SO CUTE' because the serious face he was making made Robin's insides flutter. (In a good way.)

"Yeah. I'm ready," she says, resisting the urge to kiss him.
"I've been to over a hundred."

"B-," he cuts himself off.

Robin hugs him. "Calm down dude," she says, face smushed into his shirt.

"You're annoying," he says hugging her back. She laughs and he chuckles.

"Gotta blast," she says pulling back and walking to greet the fans.

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