11* refried beans

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The camera was set up and they were all seated in the hotel room.

"So we say our name and then get into the questions," Brandon explains for the 13th time.

"So I have to say 'my name is Robin'," Robin asked for the 5th time.

"Yeah," Brandon nods.

"Okay. I'm ready," Robin says taking a deep breath.

"Alright let's start then," Nick says.

"Wait, is it names first or PRETTYMUCH first?"

"Names," Brandon asks.

"Yeah," Everybody agrees and then they officially start the video.

"Hi. I'm Robin," Robin says quietly, but still able to be heard.

"I'm Elom."





"And I'm Zion."

"And You're watching PRETTYMUCH," Nick says.

"Woohoo," they all chime in.

"Question 1," Elom starts. "Can you explain why when it's all of you together it's 'RE. BEANZ'?"

"All of us make Refried Beans," Robin says.

Zion smiles.

"Who's your favorite member," Austin reads.

Robin and Zion point at Austin.

Edwin pointed at Brandon and Brandon smiled.

"Look," Robin said showing Nick a video called PRETTYMUCH Chronicles: The Book of Bredwin (Brandon and Edwin) she showed Brandon too and he laughs.
"You two are a mood," Robin says as she plays the part where Edwin hits that note on Open Arms and Brandon wraps his arm around Edwin's shoulders.

"Aww," Austin says. "They're so cute."

"There's a video about you and Zion too."

"So cute," Nick says.

"Nick's my favorite," Elom says shrugging.

"Elom you're my favorite too," Nick says back. Nodding.

"Next question," Zion says.

"Favorite Song," Edwin says. "Would you mind."

"Jello if I'm being honest," Elom says.

"Open Arms is my favorite by yous, but Bennie and the Jets by Elton John is my all time favorite," Robin says.

"Question 4," Elom says.

"What helps keep your vibes positive," Robin reads.

"Brandon or Austin," Edwin says.

"Brandon or Zion," Nick says.

"Zion or Robin. Cause they almost have the same personality. And they can just get you hype over anything," Brandon says.

Robin smiles.

"Question 5," Zion said.

"Favorite Song to Dance To," Nick reads.

"Rake it Up," Robin says nodding.

"Oh hell nah," Zion sings.

"Joking," Robin says glancing at him. "He doesn't let me dance to certain songs cause he's mean."

"Never be like you," Nick says.

"Would you mind," Zion says.

"Summer on You of course," Brandon says.

"Don't by Bryson Tiller," Robin says scrolling through her phone.

"I can't dance. Next question," Elom says.

"Favorite food," Brandon asks.

"All food," Zion says.

"Burgers," Robin answers.

"Any food," Brandon says.

"There's so much food to choose from," Austin says.

"I don't know," Nick thinks about the question and decides that his answer will just be 'food'.

"As long as I eat I don't really care what the food is," Elom instantly regrets saying that.

"Good to know," Edwin does a devious smirk to the camera and Elom glances at him before shaking his head.

"This question is a good one," Zion starts. "Tub of Piranhas or Poisonous Spiders?"

"Piranhas," Brandon says nodding.

"Spiders," Elom says.

"Why spiders," Robin thought that was a really stupid answer.

"Because Piranhas are vicious while Spiders don't bite you unless they feel threatened."

"You been watching Nat Geo?"





"Neither. But if I had to choose Piranhas."


"Last question," Edwin calls. "Favorite song by PRETTYMUCH?"

"That's us," Zion says, the statement made Robin give him a 'no shit sherlock' look.

"Would you mind," They all said.

"The End," Robin said, she smiled at the camera before standing up and doing a cartwheel. She landed with a 'thumbs up' on her left hand.

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