20* bitch

818 16 6

October 28, 2021

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY," the boys yelled jumping on Robin's birthday.

Robin checked her clock and covered her head. It was 12 am.

"No. I'm old now. It's bed time shh," she said back.

"Happy Birthday to you," They started singing in harmony.

Robin removed the pillow and watched the display above her.

"Happy Birthday to you.
Happy Birthday (Happy Birthday)
Happy Birthday to you," they finished.

"Come on blow out your cupcake," Zion says.

"What's the filling?"

"Your favorite," she blows out the candle and is handed the cupcake.

The boys watch intensely as she eats it. Eyes widening at her favorite filling, cheesecake.

"Alright now let's go," Edwin calls. "There's more cupcakes down stairs."

Everybody started piling out, but Robin held Brandon's wrist and he stayed behind.

"Can I ask you something," she says as he sits on her bed.

"Yeah. Anything," he says. Already eager to hear her.

"I-," she puts her glasses on because she can't fucking see and looks at him. "I graduate next year and I just wanted to ask should I go to DC? I want your honest opinion on it."

Brandon's smile dropped. Robin noticed and grew sad herself. "What's in DC?"

"HU. The college."

"Um. Wow. What about touring?"

"I'll do online college for those times or maybe I can stay at school and leave y'all alone. You guys must be tired of me. Being the only girl-"

"No," he says quickly. "Could never get tired of you. I-," he puts on a fake smile.

"Be honest please," she pleads.

"I honestly don't want you to go. But if you want to go to college and pursue your dream then do it," Brandon says.

"I- Why not?"

"Hm," The question caught them both off guard.

"Why don't you want me to go," Robin asked looking him deep in his eyes. Edwin burst into the room and pulled Brandon out.

Robin lay down after that. Giving up in a way.


"Yeah. I'm cool with it. Since i know you and your intentions, but if you step out of line," Zion says as he Ranks 3rd in Fortnite.

"But it's college or me. I'd never let her choose me over college. I could never be that selfish."

"Yo. College is her choice. You is her choice. Man up, grow some balls and tell her how you feel. Damn," Elom says as he gets the controller from Nick.

"I'm gonna go to sleep."

"Choose quick. Once Robin is set on something it's hard to get her mind off it."



come to the roof

my future 🤧🥺


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