31* therapy isn't bad

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"Robin," Simon said as he closed the door behind him. A woman Robin never wanted to see again was with him.

"Hi MC. Why's-When-How?"

"Robin. I don't even know if this is true and I refuse to believe it because you are the sweetest girl I've ever met and-," he took a deep breath. "It's hard to believe sweetie it really is."

Robin's whole face fell. "Hard to believe what?"

"Have you heard of a girl named Chantel Johnson," Robin's stomach felt horrible. Anxiety taking over her whole body. She still nodded yeah. "Well she came to me with two pictures of a black eye and she claimed she had sprained ribs, I have no proof of that however and I had to pay her 10,000 dollars and have her sign a contract to silence her."

"Silence her?"

"If I didn't do that she would release to the press you did it and-"

"I'll pay you back. You have a checkbook? Here I'll -"

"The reason I pulled you in here was because your mother explained what she did to you and your brothers- which I am so sorry about, and we have decided you need therapy."

"We? She's not my guardian hasn't been for years."

"Me and Caleb."

Robin started to breath heavily.

"Oh okay. I understand."

"I truly am sorry," Simon tells her.

Robin hugged him. She pulled back and almost cried.

"It's fine," Simon left the room and left Allison alone with Robin.

"Out," Robin said.

"Baby I'm -"

"Out," she yelled through gritted teeth. Secretly glad the rooms were soundproof.

Allison hurried out. Robin took and deep breath and looked over at the dresser, so glad Camille was with her. She got the keys to the car Camille had rented, her wallet, her phone and ran out of the room. Down the stairs she didn't stop running til she got to the car. She unlocked it and got in. Quickly turning it on and just driving.

After twenty minutes her phone started to blow up. She pulled over and shot Camille a text.

hoe slapper
borrowed your car. be back soon 💕💕😁

wig snatcher
I'm fine with that. Wya tho?

She turned her phone on 'Do Not Disturb' and started to drive again.

Eventually she found a place that looked like a dance studio. She parked the car and quickly got out. Double checking to make sure she had everything with her.

She walked in the building and to her luck it was a dance studio.

"Hey," she said to the guy at the front desk. "I'll pay 500$ for a private room for two hours."

"Ma'am me letting you do that would be me risking my job an hourly private is 30$."

"The rest can be a tip. Please," she begged. He took a deep breath and nodded. She pulled out five one hundred dollars bills, she always kept five hundred in her wallet and the rest in her bank account.

He took the money with a smile. Handing her the key to the private room. "The privates require keys. Follow me. You can smoke, drink, and do about anything in this room. Speaker is in the corner," he showed her the room and she nodded.

She unlocked it and quickly closed the door. Locking it behind her. She placed her phone on the speaker and played pushed shuffle on the first playlist she saw, not caring about the song.

I was taught always keep faith in God
And never do somethin' you don't feel in yo' heart
Lately I feel like my time runnin' short
Helluva Made This Beat Baby
So if I don't make it, I wanna say that I loved you
I just wanna say that I miss you
I just wanna say that I'm sorry
That I couldn't be here wit' you
I just hope you forgive me
I just hope you never forget me
I know you don't understand right now
But one day you gon' feel me, yeah

She danced. Let her emotions takes over her completely. Hitting every beat to any song that came on.

She danced for a while. She only stopped when she saw herself in the mirror. She was crying.

She sat down for a moment, to catch her breath. When her breath was caught she started crying. Letting the tears flow. She lay her head on the wood as the emotions flew around her head.

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