35* love don't cost a thing

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"She wasn't the right one for you anyways," Robin tells Austin.

"But after Fifanny and the other girl I wanted her to be. She was so nice in the beginning then she," he sighs. "I'm just gonna be single for a long at this point."

"No. You can't let yourself give up. There are still other fish in the sea, if one doesn't work out then you move on to the next project. No stopping," Robin claps twice for the emphasis. "You can't let one person change how you feel about a whole subject. Destiny did what she did, but don't stay on that. Do whatever it takes to get over her then be on your 'I'm available' mode."

"You're right, I gotta stay optimistic. I'll find the one for me," Austin lightens up a bit. Nodding.

"Yeah," Robin clears her throat. "And in the end if you don't find the one, Camille would love a fourth boyfriend."

They both laugh. They calm down and Austin takes a deep breath.

"Where'd you go the other day?"

"A dancing studio then I got food."

"Are you okay?"

"I'm not sure."

"What's wrong?"

"It's a long story."

"Well we have," he pauses to look at his phone. "3 more hours on this bus. Then rehearsal."


"Wow. You're the nicest fucking person ever," Austin says after hearing the whole situation.

"Nah, Just hopeful."

"You cried over cracking an egg when you were 5," Zion butts in.

"Well I'm sorry that I thought we were murdering a chick. The chickens volunteer their 'special' eggs to farmers so we can eat them."

"For all we know the chickens could donate their eggs," Elom calls.

"No. The chicks are robbed from their mothers before they can even attempt to go through the egg process. And their mothers and fathers are shaved and cooked-"

"But you still eat burgers without a care in the world," Edwin points out.

"I can't stop it's like an addiction," Robin sniffs and Zion chuckles.

"Brandon get her. She's gonna start crying over burgers," Brandon looks at her and she sniffles. Picking her phone up and going through Instagram.

"Robin are you really about to cry," he gets up and sits on her bunk.

"No," he lays down and she continues to scroll. "I wish I could be a vegan."

"It's hard to be vegan when you really like meat," Camille yells.

"That's my sister. Don't ever pull no slick shit like that again," Elom looks at her and shakes his head. She bursts out laughing.

"Are you really gonna cry? Come here," Brandon opens his arms and she puts her head on his chest.

"Believe it or not our dad's family used to eat cow tongue so you eating a burger isn't that bad," Zion tries.

A tear falls from Robin's eyes and it takes her a minute to realize that's she crying over meat.

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