*22 flips and shit

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silentkuwonu: I'm just so

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silentkuwonu: I'm just so... ZION STOP MAKING ME WEAR MAKEUP TO DINNER 😭.

zionkuwonu: "LOOK PRESENTABLE" that's all I said.

therealnickmara: @zionkuwonu "look presentable" my ass. You said 'look your best'

edwinhonoret: Yo. (i had nothing to say i just wanted to be in your comment section.) HEY EVERYBODY!

brandon_arreaga: your face glow thingy is blinding.

peepingout: where are her mf glasses??

silentkuwonu: @peepingout ill wear them. Ppl say a lot if i post pictures with them. You wanna see me in glasses come to the concert. tickets are selling out so y'all should really get your tickets now before they sell out completely.

elomkuwonu: You deadass jus gave yourself a promo in a reply. 💀💀

silentkandbranlove: SHIPPING BRANDON AND ROBIN.

edwinhonoret: ^ 👀

edwinhonoret deleted his comment.

"When are y'all gonna expose your love to the world," Edwin asks enthusiastically.

"When you learn how to do a cartwheel without my help," Robin dares.

"Bet," Edwin nods and him and Robin do their handshake.

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