42* flashback

438 8 0

October 28 2019 - 3 years ago

"Happy Birthday," Zion yelled throwing clothes at her.

She whined. "It's," she looked over at her clock. "It's 9 am Zion! Why are you throwing stuff at me?"

"Don't act brand new cause we in America. Your birthday has always started as early as possible. Turn your attitude off and get your ass up," he walks out of her room and she throws herself backwards on her bed.


"So the presents will make her like us," Brandon asks.

"Fuck No," Elom starts. "You can't buy her love- or like. But the presents will help her warm up to y'all. And help her think of you like a friend and not a perv."

"I-Im not a perv," Brandon shakes his head.

"Says the one who's been looking at her since you met her," Edwin chimes in.

"I didn't know she was 12," With a body like that- Fuck. Shut up before you catch a case.

"Anyways. Stay on her good side."

"Why," Nick asks smirking.

"Cause I've known her her whole life and you don't wanna make her mad," Elom said drinking his Arizona.

"She's 14, what can a 14 year old do," Nick asks.

"Want you all to shut the hell up," she said as she walked into the kitchen. She hugged Elom and Austin before getting a bottle of water.

"Happy Birthday," they all said.

Brandon noticed her smile as she tried to mask it by drinking her water.

"Thanks," she nods.

"We got you gifts," Elom says.

"You didn't have to," she shakes her head.

"We wanted to," Brandon says. Robin smiles at him for a moment before drinking her water.

"I got you a shit ton of Vans," Austin gets up and runs upstairs. He comes back down with two bags. Each bag with two pairs of vans.

"That's a lot of money," she says not taking the bags.

"It's fine. Here. Happy Birthday," Austin attempts to hand her the bags and this time she takes them.

She sits down where Nick was seated and takes the shoes out of there bags and puts them on the table. She opens all the lids and she gets excited.

Looking at all the vans a smile meets her face. She gets up and attacks Austin in a hug. "Thank you so much," he hugs her back and smiles.

Brandon prepares his gift. A computer. A computer that can be used as a tablet with a stylus.

Robin wasn't really the type to go out and buy expensive stuff if she didn't have to. Often she turned down when Zion tried to buy her anything that wasn't clothes. Even though she was making her own money she didn't want to go back to how it was in Canada.

"Here," Brandon said walking back into the kitchen. Robin looks at the boxed computer and squints.

"What is that," she chuckles.

"It's a computer. I heard some of the things you produced and got you this cause... there's apps and stuff you can use to produce with."

"I-I can't take that," she says.

"Yes you can," she takes it from Brandon's outstretched hand and reads the box. There's no price anywhere so she's not sure how much she'll pay him back. She hugs Brandon and he's taken aback but still hugs her.

"Thank you," Robin says still hugging him. He squeezes her and then she takes a deep breath before pulling back.

The rest of the guys got her things that she wanted to get for herself.

Nick got her a ukulele. Edwin got her a Louis Vatton fanny pack. And Zion wrote her a song.

"Wassup Zion's daughter," Brandon says sitting next to her.

"Hi," she said pausing her song.

"So.. why do you hate me?"

"I'm not allowed to hate people," Robin shrugged nonchalantly.

"Why do you loath-"

"Dislike. That's the word you're looking for and I don't."

"Then what's wrong?"

"You're the first person I talked to for a reason. I thought you'd be cool but you're like the fucking boys at my highschool. You stare and shit. That's not the most comfortable feeling," she says playing with beats on her computer.

"Oh fuck. I'm sorry," Didn't know you noticed that but I feel like an asshole. "I shouldn't stare at all. But... I'll stop."

"But what?"


"Say it or leave," she says.

"With all do respect-slash-don't get weirded out, but you're very pretty- beautiful. I'll stop.."

It's silent for a minute until Robin smiles. "Thank you," she says.

"You're welcome. What you working on?"

"Elom and I's album. Lil Skies heard a snip of one of our songs and wants to hop on," she takes an earbud out and hands it to him.

He puts it in his ear and listens to the track she produced. Nodding at the parts he liked.

1 More Chapter Til The End

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