8* that one song

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Robin was humming the melody for her new song. Something she always did when a song came to mind. For all Robin knew the guys were having a party.

I trusted you
With everything
You left me high and dry
I waited for you for so long
You never came back to try

This would be the song about her mom that she would never release. She never knew what to add. After working on it for so long her hope for it was starting to flee.

She lays down and closes her eyes. Remembering her mom's smile and her voice.
The song her mom would sing for them.

You save my life everytime I see your smile.
Your laughs they give me a reason to try.
When we're sitting around and we're talking
Your words are-

"Robin," she heard one of the guys call through her door.

She gets up and looks through the peephole. Austin.

She opens the door slowly and looks at him.
"We're having a party. Wanna come," he asks with a smile.

"Yeah. Sure. I'll get dressed. Who's room?"

"Zion and Nick since their' are conjoined- Are you okay?"

"Yeah," Robin clears her throat. "Just thinking about my mom."

"Alright. If you need to talk I'm here," Robin hugs him.

"I know. That's why you're my favorite," she says pulling back.

Austin smiles at her before walking back to Zion's room.

Robin goes to her fridge and pulls out an orange juice and one of those vodka shots. Any time she goes to a party of theirs she sips on this drink. She never finishes it.

She gets dressed into Ripped Jeans and a Crop Top. She got a sweater that reached her the back of her knees just in case Zion had a problem with it. She puts her hair into two messy buns. Then she gets her room key and put it in her pocket. With her phone in hand she walked across the hall and opened the already ajar door.

She already hated it. The rooms were humongous so there were people everywhere.

Zion was talking to three girls.
Austin was talking to a group.
Elom seemed to be having a 'twerk on me' contest with 5 girls.
Nick was talking to his stunt girl and also getting danced on by another girl. Which, made no sense to Robin, but it wasn't her business.
Edwin was dancing with a group of people that were freestyling to the music.
And Brandon was getting twerked on, but doing a 360° Snapchat recording of everybody else at the party. When he got to Robin he zoomed in and she flipped him off causing them to laugh.

People started coming up to Robin and asking for pictures and questions.

Robin smiled and nodded.
"How old are you?" She smirked and shook her head no.

"Will you have my kids," a guy asked. Robin laughed and shook her head again. The guy was adorable. Robin finished answering questions then the crowd left. She walked up to the guy and tapped his shoulder.

He held his hands in surrender and said "Don't worry I'm straight."

"Good," Robin said with a smile.

"Whoa you're talking?"

"All I do is sing. I'll give you a break."

"Is your name really silent, or-"

"No. What's yours?"

"Devon. You?"

"I don't know you, you'll call me Silent," Robin said smiling.

Zion looked past the three girls and saw his sister. Elom noticed too and he looked at Zion. Zion started walking towards her and Elom followed Suite.

"How old are you," Robin asked him.


"They let you in here?"

"All you need is a girl on your arm. I came with my sister. Your voice is fuckin' amazing. I like the cover you did of Yellow."

"That's the song that gets me hype," Robin says. She looks up a Zion is walking towards her. Elom in tow.

"What's going on here," Zion says hugging Robin. Robin instinctively hugs him back and then she pulls back.

"Nothing," she says.

"Y'all chatting it up," Zion asks.

"The headassary," Elom says.

"Who's the boy?"

"Devon," Robin says.

"So Devon is just having a conversation with my little sister about nothing?"

"Sounds accurate," Robin says.

"You think that's okay?"

"Yeah. The nothingness filled conversation is actually pretty fun. He was just spelling nothing and then I said I could spell nothing twice," Robin says nodding.

"I think it's time for the party to end. You know, we gotta get on the bus tomorrow and touring."

"I thought you and Elom were having a good time. With the twerking contest and everything," Robin starts getting cut off.

"No. I'm over it," Zion says.


"I can leave," Devon says. "Shouldn't have to end the party because of me."

"Yeah. I'm fine with that," Elom says.

"Alright," Devon says. "Nice talking to you." He smiles at Robin then leaves.

"Your double standards are ridiculous. You're practically sexist."

"I'm not sexist. I'm just your legal guardian and you're not gonna have a boyfriend or girlfriend til you're 18 and you'll be a virgin til you're 21," Zion says shrugging. "Same for Elom."

"Fuck that," Elom says.

"He was just getting twerked on so were you," Robin argues.

"I'm grown."

"I'm going to bed," Robin said hugging Zion and Elom before walking towards the door.

"Love you," Zion calls.

"Love you too," at this point Elom was back to getting twerked on.

Zion walked back over to the group of girls and Robin walked back to her room and ordered room service.

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