43* last chapter

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December 14th 2022

"Happy Birthday Brandon," Robin says shaking him til he wakes.


"It's your birthday," she tells him.

He looks at the hotel room clock and groans. "It's 12."

"You said that like I asked," she waited for him to say something but he didn't. Closing his eyes he took a deep breath.


"Who is it," Robin asked checking the peephole.

"PRETTYMUCH," the boys said. She opened the door and they all walked past her and hopped on the bed Brandon was on. Careful not to step on him they jumped on the bed and sang 'Happy Birthday'.

Camille woke up and rolled her eyes at the loudness. It's too fucking early.

"Thank y'all so much," he said smiling. He put his glasses on and sat up.

"You're welcome," Edwin nodded.

"The real shit starts at 9:00 am," Austin says seriously.

Brandon squints and Austin shrugs. Then Zion, then Nick, then Edwin. Elom was only there to say Happy Birthday so he checked his phone.

They started to disperse in an order that seemed practiced to Robin and Brandon. Zion, Nick, Austin, and Elom and Edwin left the room together.


"It's too fucking cold for this shit," Robin whispered under her breath as she skated across the ice. My dumbass recommend this so, I'm just gonna shut the fuck up.

"Robin," Brandon called catching up to her.

"Yeah," she asked.

He grabs her hand and interlocks their gloved fingers.

"Can I talk to you," he sounded beyond serious and a part of Robin was scared but she wasn't going to let that show.

"Do you wanna sit down or-"

"I-I just wanted to say that I love you," Brandon said.

"You what," Robin stops and Brandon chuckles.

"I love you. It's- You make me so fucking happy and you're about the nicest person I know. You put other people first and you care so much about everything. You're fucking gorgeous and you're funny and you can easily make my day go from shitty to the best one ever just by you being there," Brandon rants causing a beautiful smile to meet Robin's face.

She puts her hand on the back of his neck and pulls him down. Kissing him. Brandon's hands meet her hips and he pulls her closer.

"I love you too," she pulls back to say.

He smiles so wide his cheeks hurts as he picks her up and spins her. Kissing all over her face.

"Hey that's my sister;" Zion yells.

The End

Sneak Peak to the Sequel:

"You dated Charlotte had everyone convinced she was your fucking cousin not the girl you were in love with and then when the truth comes out you get mad at me for being mad. I call bullshit"


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