38* dancing

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Day 4

"So it's decided we're sampling Hosier on the acoustic," Billie asks.

"Yeah," Seraphina says. "I want y'all to perform it with me. My next concert is in two days and I wanna close with this song." She smiles shyly and Robin hugs her.

"I'm down. In every way, shape and form," Robin smiles.

"I got three days left with you so I'm fuckin' down," Billie says hugging her too.

"I'm not touring til next year so why not," Abella hugs her too and they all let go.

Day 5

"What do you do when a song is done?"

"You go dancing," Robin says.

"Just us," Abella asks.

"How do y'all feel?"

"Just us," Robin nods.

"I agree with poofy hair," Billie says.

"I had to take it down. It has a mind of its own," Robin shrugs.

"I feel ya," Abella and Robin pinky promise. Everyone but Billie was sporting a curly afro. They both pinky promise Seraphina and Billie gets up.

"I found a dance place," Billie says.

"What's it called," Seraphina asks.

"A club."

"I'm barely 17 and she's 13. That's against a million different laws."

"Well we already have a VIP and the guys are coming so you're welcome. Y'all got in," Billie smiles and Robin squints. "Come on it's not your first time."

"Understood, but-"

"No buts I know your brothers. They've been to this club before I can guarantee."


"Yo we came here last year," Nick says as they all walk in.

"Told you," Billie says.

"I'm way too young. My mom's gonna beat my ass," Seraphina says.

"This is wrong on too many fucking levels but in VIP in this place phones get broke so if you want you can sit in VIP or we can go," Robin says.

"I'll stay. Can you stay with me," Seraphina asks.


"I will," Camille says. "You don't know me, I'm Camille her best friend I don't have anything to do here so I'd love to stay with you. And I'm 18 so I can take you home at anytime tonight," she smiles and Seraphina does too.

"Okay. And... I follow you on Instagram. I stan you," Seraphina says shyly. Camille smiles and pulls her close as they all walk towards their VIP section.

Brandon pulls Robin towards the crowd and she smirks. "Yeah?"

"Hey," he says.

Robin kisses him. Arms going around his neck she slowly dances against him and he chuckles. "Last time you stared at me was when I danced on Camille. This time you can touch me," he chuckles and she smiles against his lips.

'Like Real People Do' is the acoustic sample.

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