2* i didnt do anything

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"This girl wants to fight me on Friday," Robin says as Zion sets the keys down. He had a few hours before he had to go to work.

"What'd you do," he asked sitting next to Robin and sighing.

"I didn't do sh- anything," she said back. "I just rolled my eyes and this girl named Camille told them to leave me alone and shut up."

"Well," he said shrugging. "Beat her ass."

"That's the plan," Robin tries not to be violent but when she is no one is safe. "Did you send it out?"

"Yeah," Zion says picking up his phone, unlocking it and going to the sent email. "I'll get a reply sometime between today and next sunday."

"You'll bring us with you right?"

"Where else would y'all go? When y'all blow the fuck up I gotta claim y'all," he said causing Robin to laugh.

"I'm serious Caleb," she says calming down. "Don't leave us."

"I would never," he says seriously.

"Better not," Elom says walking up and rustling Zion's hair.

"Did you upload your song?"

"Sponsor money will be here today or tomorrow. I'm gonna take y'all to Denny's," Robin said as Zion and her did their handshake.

"Y'all tryna go climb a building or some shit," Elom said.

They've all been into doing athletic shit since they can remember.

"Yeah. If y'all tryna walk home," Zion bargains.

"Alright," Elom and Robin say. Robin goes into her room. She let Elom and Zion take their mom's room. It was too big and it made her sad. Her room was the room they all shared and it was perfect for her.

She changed into a shirt of her mom's that she cut and a sport bra. She put on joggers because her body was too grown for leggings. Grown men get distracted and Robin didn't want Zion or Elom to get into fights because of her.

Robin walked out of the room slipping into her Vans and they made their way out. They got into the car and drove about thirty minutes from the house. If Elom and Robin ran like they usually did it wouldn't take that long to get home.

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