41* fighting

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"Caleb, he's gonna fight?"

"He said he was going to fight. I tried to say it's not a good idea-"

"By volunteering to fight instigators?"

"Cause Simon might not agree with this shit but you know how Elom is about people talking shit."

"I thought you wanted to see a fight," Camille says.

"I did but I don't want my brother to be in a fight over stupid shit," Robin glares at Elom and he rolls his eyes.

"When you fought Chantel was that over stupid shit?"

"She hit me first," Robin waited for him to say something else.

"When you were fighting in 5th grade was it stupid?"

Robin thought about it. She had only got in two fights in her fifth grade year and in both fights she won. Damn, I'm a violent ass kid, she thought. "You know why I fought."

"Okay just like you know I take shit talking serious so sit back and enjoy," he smirks and Robin squints.

Brandon walks up to her with a Strawberry Lemonade in hand and she takes it thanking him. "I still think it's pointless. People are gonna talk shit til the day you die."

"You wanna go somewhere else while he fights or you wanna stay," Brandon asks her.

"I wanna go," Brandon nods so they walk off to go find Brandon's rental.

"I'll record for you."


"Why are you so mad if Elom fights? You've wanted to beat Malu's ass for months- for the same reason," Brandon says as he sips on his milkshake.

"I thought we would've left fighting and shit in Canada. Regardless of me wanting to fight Malu. At this point since we still haven't fought it's stupid to keep arguing. I don't like her she doesn't like me. The end. We left Canada to make money no setbacks. What's Simon gonna do when he finds out- he probably already knows," Robin groaned as she drank her tea.

"What'd Simon do when he found out you fought," Brandon asks taking a bite out of his burger.

"He made it go away and put me in therapy- What if he puts Elom in therapy?"

"He won't. But Simon probably won't be mad or do anything too crazy about the fight."

"You're probably right," they eat their food quietly for a few moments until Robin's phone rang.

Seester Seester 😍😍😝
You're brother just took a big ass W.

"Elom won," Robin said turning her phone off then shaking her head.

"Everyone's gonna be okay Robin. He won. There could've been way worse news."

"You're right."

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