37* lets go crazy

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Day 3

"What instruments do y'all play," Robin asks after taking a sip of her orange juice.

"Fiddle and Guitar. What about y'all," Seraphina asks.

"Guitar and ukulele. I can play Piano too," Abella says.

"I play too many to count and Robin I don't even remember after she lists the first 3."

"It's a long list," Robin chuckles.

"Let's go ball out at the music store," Robin hops from her seat and looks at everyone.

"My stuff is back at the studio," Billie stands up too and Seraphina looks at them confused.

"We're about to go buy the instruments we play?"

"I guess so. Quick question, who the hell is gonna carry a piano up the stairs?"

"Me and Billie know six guys we can call and they'll be here in an instant."

"A piano is like two. Why all six?"

"Robin had no life so she plays Flute, Uke, Violin, Piano, Guitar and one more," Billie explains.

"So we're just gonna walk into a music store and by about 10 instruments."

"No, but I do need a new flute and I feel like Astro's song could have an instrumental background."

"Some Guitar. No Piano! Let's call your boyfriend we're making an instrumental," Billie walked out of the diner then walked back in shortly after. "I'm paying. Can I get this to go," she asked the waitress.


"So, you're gonna buy a piano and have me and Zion carry it up stairs," Brandon asks for the millionth time. "Doesn't the studio have a keyboard?"

"A piano is better and I'm gonna be playing it because you already seem against the idea as a whole," Robin says.

"I'm not against it but- A heavy ass piano? Up hella flights of stairs. Why don't you just pay the delivery guys extra."

"You're right. Bye," Robin gets off his lap and he pulls her back.

"Wow. Okay. You just wanted me to carry a piano?"

"No. I wanted to spend time with you and the piano was a loop, but you're busy so see ya when I see ya," Robin kisses him in the cheek and gets up again.

"I'm not busy," he says pulling her back on his lap. "But you are."

"Not really but okay."

"Can I take you to lunch," he asks her.

"I'll have to think about it," Robin says smirking. She gets up, and walks towards the girls. She discusses the instruments that she felt would help and they had a quick conversation about it and decided they'd use the uke and the violin in their own unique ways. Clearing Robin's afternoon.


"Do you have to go back right now," Robin smiles as Brandon looks down at her.

"Yeah, I'll see you in four days," she pushes the elevator button and turns back towards Brandon. He steps closer towards her and she did the same. He puts his hands on her waist and she stands up on her top toes and kisses him. The elevator dings and she pulls back. "See ya," she says hugging him before turning around and getting in the elevator.

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