13* food for the soul

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silentkuwonu: THANK YOU SO MUCH @fuckyafeels FOR THIS AMAZING DRAWING. Check her page out 😄😄.

@fuckyafeels: You're so very welcome.

@zionkuwonu: If you have pictures like this up we fighting.

@silentkuwonu: I don't. chill @zionkuwonu.

Robin looked up from her phone and shook her head at him. "I'm right here."

"I know," Zion said as he ate his Popeyes.

Robin had Church's because Popeyes chicken was dry as hell to her. The biscuits were bland. There were a lot of things she didn't like about Popeyes.

"Just wait. When I turn 18 I'm posting hella pictures like that," Robin teased.

"I'll control your instagram til you're 21. Try me," Zion said seriously.

"Calm down mom," Robin said, throwing her hands up.

Brandon side eyed Robin and for a second thought that pictures like that of Robin wouldn't be that bad.
When she was 18 of course.

silentkuwonu: I'm gonna go back to taking photos like this til Zion calms down

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silentkuwonu: I'm gonna go back to taking photos like this til Zion calms down.

@brandon_arreaga: So for the rest of your life?

@silentkuwonu: @brandon_arreaga 💀 I guess.

@malutrevejo: who took this cause I know it wasn't you.

@silentkuwonu: malu treve-is-a-hoe I unblocked you because you begged. I leave your page alone and you leave mine alone. AND I took this picture and every other one like this on my page.


@silentkuwonu: #maluchallenge 1) @zionkuwonu come get her. 2) @brandon_arreaga is my brother. 3) why you so short tempered? 💀 your tantrums are hilarious.

@elomkuwomu: at this point BEAT HER ASS already. Damn the popcorn is almost gone.

@theaustinporter: @elomkuwomu SAVE ME SOME!

@brandon_arreaga: Robin is my lil sister. Malu you're on some weird shit.

eatingood: Malu stupid ass know Zion wouldn't let Brandon and Robin 👉👌. Tbh I ship tho 😥😥.

@malutrevejo: this is bullshit.

"Zion get her off my page," Robin groans.

"Just beat her ass," Elom says.

"Simon wouldn't let that shit happen," Edwin says.

"Malu is live," Nick calls. Everyone except for Robin sits on Nick's bunk and watches her live.

"Bruh this is so annoying. I didn't do shit to that bitch. She didn't like me from the time I comment under her brother shit. She has no reason not to like me. Zion doesn't like me either. This all started when I walked into her door. Zion let me come over once and then never again because of her. She said I'm bad. Zion says I start shit. All I try and do is be nice and make people happy. 'But didn't DM her saying you was gone replace her?' I mean- That shit don't matter. Like this beef is so much bullshit. All I know is next time I see her I'm hitting her. She talk so much shit on IG but she still ain't said shit to my face. The bitch don't even talk to me. When I showed up to fight the first time she was silent. 'Her name is silent for a reason. Dumbass'. She didn't say shit to me. I wanted to fight her and she just shrugged and laughed."

"What the hell is she talking about," Austin asked.

"Everything that's coming out of her mouth is a lie," Brandon says.

Nick decides it time for some input that wasn't Malu's so he comments.
Why are you lying? We were there. You invited yourself to the table and told her to unblock you so she could talk shit.

"Nick what are you even talking about?"

Malu you know we were there. You left the table when Robin showed the video of the maluchallenge.

"Stop bringing that shit up," Malu says punching her palm.

You're hella fake. Nick exited her live and sat there confused.

"Zion please don't ever associate with girls like her again. That was the most confusing shit ever," Edwin says still thinking about the lies she told.

"Maybe she thinks it happened in her head," Elom tapped his head and nodded.

silentkuwonu: you just gotta take all the stupid stuff with a grain of salt

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silentkuwonu: you just gotta take all the stupid stuff with a grain of salt. 🍃🍃. I'm not gonna be messy with a person that lives in their head.

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