14* i cant fucking see

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"Zion," Robin groaned.


"I ripped my last contact," Robin said blinking.

"Then put your glasses on. Easiest fix ever."

"But I wear contacts."

"You wanna see right?"


"Then put your glasses on," silence passes for a few minutes and Zion goes back on his phone.

Robin opens then closes her mouth as the rest of the boys come back in. They hand the junk food out and the bus is rolling again.

Everyone is having conversation, but Robin. She had to be cursed with horrible vision.

"Can't you just order me more," Robin says to Zion.

He had honestly forgot what she was talking about for a minute. Then he remebered and groaned.

"We're in a different city. Ordering them and having them sent to the house wouldn't make since," he argues.

"You didn't say no though."

"What are you two even talking about," Edwin asks. Already finding amusement in this conversation.

"Zion is trying to make me wear glasses," Robin says, dramatically.

"What's so wrong with glasses," Brandon says, slightly offended, but amused as well.

"Nothing is wrong with them. I'm just used to contacts and he won't order more."

"Just wear glasses and shut the hell up," Elom says. Zion laughs in agreement and Robin huffs.

"Glasses are easier than holding your eye open for 30 minutes trying to put a contact on," Brandon says, willing to debate this whole subject.

"I'm used to contacts. They've become a part of me. Wearing glasses after rarely wearing them would feel foreign," Robin just wanted more contacts.

"If you want to see for the rest of the tour you'd put your glasses on," Brandon says.

"You spent over 200 dollars on glass and you're not even gonna wear them," Elom butts in.

Brandon gasped. "Who the hell spends that much money on glasses?"

"I didn't know they cost that much til I picked them up," Robin defends.

"And you still bought them?"

"I wanna see them," Austin says.

"They're just regular glasses."

"If they're worth more than 200 dollars they can't be regular glasses," Austin says back.

Robin goes into her backpack and gets her glass case and reaches her arm out to whoever was gonna take them. It was Brandon first.

"They are fucking gold," Brandon chuckles at his own statement. "They're gold and you don't wear them?"

Austin gets them and his eyes widen. "Damn," he says.

"Put them on," Brandon says handing them back to her.

"I'd feel awkward with them on," Robin admits.

"It's just us," Edwin says shrugging.

With a deep breath Robin puts them on and SHE CAN SEE CLEARLY NOW (The rain is gone).

She sits up. Chips and drinks in lap and sighs.

"Woah, I bet you can see now," Elom says, sarcastically.

"Ha," Robin says rolling her eyes.

"You don't need to be shy," Brandon says shrugging.

Robin felt at ease with his kind words and they all carried on with their conversation, after assuring Robin that she looked perfectly fine with glasses on.

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