Chapter 1: His Mission

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"Fuck, deeper, baby," Jimin moaned and bit his lips, as he watched her suck him slowly while his hand grabbed her hair, preventing it from covering her face to get a nice view of her sucking his member.

He again spent his night in the strip club like the usual thing he does for at least twice a month and if he is lucky enough, he ends up laying someone as part of their extra service.

As they both reach their climax, Jimin took off the condom which was filled of his cum and lied down beside the already sleeping girl. With tiredness consuming his body, he decided to close his eyes and he fell asleep eventually.

The loud ring of his phone has woken him from his sleep. Exasperated, he took his phone and answered the call from who he doesn't know because he did not even bother looking at the name of the caller.

[Jiminie pabo! Where are you?! Classes will start in twenty! If you're not going to be here by then, good luck on explaining to Jin,] Taehyung scolded from the other line, waking Jimin up. It's not that he's afraid of Jin ㅡ except that he hates hearing series of sermons from the said person when he comes late to school after a steamy night of sex and alcohol ㅡ but there is something or someone else rather that's why he immediately goes awake of his senses.

"Shit, I owe you, dude. See you. Gotta go, bye," Jimin ended the call and rushed inside the bathroom. He took a quick bath, and left a fair amount of money in the night stand before rushing out of the room. He left the girl all alone, not even remembering how she even looks like or what her name was.

As soon as he reached his car, he took the bag where he keeps his emergency clothes and takes a shirt. Jimin leaves the place, driving as fast as he can going to the university and hopefully making it in time.

After parking his car, Jimin rushed inside the campus, passing by the students, even passing by his best-est friend among his circle of friends; Taehyung, who has now a frown on his face. Shaking his head in diasappointment, he whispered to himself, "Jimin probably had a good fuck last night. He didn't even invite me to the strip club last night. What a snake." He sighed and decided to just proceed to his classroom where Jimin is heading.

As usual, every History class, Jimin sits at the very last row near the door. His head is yet again clouded with thoughts of one particular thing, person rather, as he is always secretly staring at the girl sitted at the other end of the second to the last row.

"Why don't you just court her?" Taehyung asked, putting his bag down beside Jimin's chair. Jimin sighed. "I want to, but what if she rejects me? Dude, I might probably be not her type. She's so proper and quiet and shy and... ugh."

"Then stop fucking around." Taehyung sat down, still a frown on his face.

"Then the other's will ask why, tch."

"Hide it."

"No. Can't do."

"Snake," Taehyung blurted out.

"Huh?" Jimin asked.

"You didn't even invite me to come with you to the club and had a good fuck last night," Taehyung rolled his eyes.

"How did you know?"

"You're always there, Jimin, whenever you wake up late."

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