Chapter 51: One Family

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Park Jimin's POV

I was busy reading the weekly report from the Accountancy Department when the door opened, to my suprise. I was taken aback but it somehow annoyed me being that it was a very disrespectful action.

A sigh escaped my puckered lips and I glared at the person who entered my office without a notice nor even a knock on the door but my glare became a stare of suprise.

She stood in front of me, wearing a simple pink off-shoulder dress with a flowy skirt. Her hair was tied in a half pony and the end of her long hair was curled. She looked so innocent and beautiful and even her form which stood in front of me was even more hard to believe. But my admirations for her appearance faded after realizing that I wasn't imagining things anymore.

"What are you doing here, wifey?" I asked.

Her expression was very serious but she doesn't look mad. Actually, she kinda of look pissed. I want to be mad at her for just barging in to my office but the expression on her face already gave me the idea that she has a reason for doing it.

"Are you okay?" I placed down the portfolio that I was holding.

She huffed in annoyance and rolled her eyes. "What kind of qualities do you have for a secretary?! Fire her. I hate her."


She crossed her arms. "Why? Are you against it? What? Is she your type, huh, Park Jimin?!" She glared at me and if her eyes could throw daggers, I might probably be dead by now due to multiple stabs.

I knew there was really something behind it but I still don't get it.

"No! Of course not! What I mean is 'why'?" I clarified myself.

"She likes you. I heard that bitch talking to the phone with someone and she was saying she was seducing you and that it will work on you soon! How can you keep a secretary like that?! How on earth would I even know what type of seducing that bitch has already done to you?!"

I finally stood up to calm her down. I haven't seen her this furious before and honestly, it's scary. "Calm down, wifey," I comforted and cupped her lovely face with my hands. Gosh I missed her.

"I already warned her when she tried to seduce me one time through wearing short skirts and exposing her cleavage to me. She was pushing herself to me which made me mad because even if I was a fuckboy before we became together, I never laid a girl who threw herself to me."

"Really?" She asked. I released her cheeks from my hold and nod. "And that's the reason why I fell for you more. It was because you never threw yourself to me. I think I was actually the one who did that." I chuckled.

Her expression softened and she smiled softly. "No, you didn't. I fell for you because I saw how sincere you were." She smiled at me and lightly pinched my cheek.

I made her seat on the couch just in front of my desk and sat there with her. "So, why are you here in Seoul all of a sudden?"

She bit her lip and looked down. "We actually need to talk about something."

"Like what? Are you splitting up with me again?" I joked which gained me a hard slap on my arm from her. She then glared at me. "Why would I split up with you when I'm already pregnant with your child, dumbass?!"

As if everything stopped, my heart skipped a beat as my brain processed what she said. For a moment, I was frozen in shock. "W-what?" I asked, stuttering, after I gained back some of my senses.

Jiwon pouted and took something out of her bag. I was staring intently at the paper she was handing me. I looked at it and her back and forth, confused.

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