Chapter 49: Strength from the Past (M)

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Jimin woke up feeling like his shoulder was paralized in a painful way but when he opened his eyes and saw how peaceful his fiancee was sleeping on his arm, he didn't mind the lost of sensation at all and admired her face.

He was smiling brightly because there lies his fiancée. Jimin himself couldn't even believe that they are now engaged. It was just as if yesterday when a lot of obstacles came in there way and almost ruined their relationship. They broke up, got back together, broke up, got back together again, and now, they are finally engaged. It was a tiring challenge, but maybe it's real that true love will find a way. It felt unbelievable, but he needs to process and accept it already. It's not that he doesn't want to be with her, it's just that it felt too good to be true to have the person he pursued for a long time. Her worth for him just kept on increasing and increasing and with every moment like this with her felt like a priceless price for him. She was valuable, very very valuable.

It was just like yesterday when he met her at the welcoming of freshmen in their faculty. She was her usual nerdy-self. She wore her big glasses and she was keeping her distance from everyone. He thought it was weird, but there was this part inside him that wanted to know the girl behind those big glasses.

He woke up early everyday, especially in the schedules he knew that he would be in the same class as her. He was anticipating for it. His first year was just like that, but years went on and the feelings he had for her never became less. He thought, his crush phase would pass by, and so he continued on fucking around when he was feeling horny but he stopped when fate made a way for them to get closer. Finally after three years, he thought.

Jiwon finally woke up from her deep sleep. As her eyes opened, it was welcomed by Jimin's angelic face and his tantalizing eyes that were staring at her. She couldn't help but to smile yet realizations hit her euphoric mind that it somehow made her heart ache. He is leaving today, she thought.

"Good morning," Jimin greeted softly.

"Good morning," she greeted in return. "What time is it?" She asked, hoping that she still has more time to spend with him before his flight.

"I don't know," he answered honestly because he hasn't moved yet ever since he woke up due to the position they were at.

She finally moved out of Jimin's arms to get her phone from the bedside table and looked at the time. He grabbed the opportunity and took back his arm and stretched to gain back the sensation of it and normalize the blood flow.

"Omona! Jimin, it's almost twelve!" She got up, removing the sheet that was covering her naked figure. It was a sight, Jimin thought as he eyed her body. Even if he owned her body for God knows how many times, he never gets tired of admiring her figure. She was beautiful inside and outside.

"Stop staring at me and get changed, idiot!" She was panicking. Jimin sighed and grabbed her wrist, pulling her down on the bed again. He hovered above her, pinning her down the bed as he stared deeply in her eyes.

"W-what are you doing?" She stuttered. Her breath was taken away from the proximity of their faces. He's been with him for almost two years, but yet her heart still can't get used of being close with the young man. "Stop p-playing. You have a flight to catch."

Jimin chuckled. "I lied."

"Huh?" She tilted her head to the side. "About what?

"My flight isn't today."

"What do you mean your flight isn't today?"

"I mean what I said. And remember my luggage? Who the hell would bring that huge luggage if they'll stay for two days and two nights in another country?"

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