Chapter 2: How to Make a Nerd Like You

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Park Jimin's POV

"YOU ARE WHAT?!" The five boys asked in unison, literally raising their voices as their eyes grew wide in surprise. All the students in the cafeteria turned their heads on us but they just eventually shrugged it off after and continued their own thing.

"I said, I'm going to court Jiwon," I repeated.

"Dude, we may fuck girls but we never pick virgins, you know that!" Jin said. "We play with only those who wants to play with us!"

"He probably wants to try virgins since they're tight. You know, it feels good, they say," Jungkook said but received a smack on the head from Jin. He scrunched his nose, looking at Seokjin in disbelief.

"Who says I'm doing this just to fuck her?! I like her okay!" I explained, groaning in frustration. There, I said it. It's no longer a secret after three long years of hiding it from them! Ugh, maybe no secrets can really be hidden forever

Tch. This is all Taehyung's fault! If he just lowered his voice or something earlier while I was telling him what happened last week between me and Jiwon, I wouldn't be explaining to them right now!

"YOU WHAT?!" They asked again while Taehyung on the other hand just watched me have a hard time explaining myself as he laughs or let's say, tries to hold his laughter back. He finds this entertaining, huh? Tch, what a snake.

"Go see a doctor," I teld them, exasperated, and placed my feet up on the table but I pull them off as soon as Seokjin's palm hits my leg harshly. "Jin!" I complain.

"Manners, Jimin. There's food on the table," he scolds. I nodded slowly.

"But seriously though. You like Jiwon? I mean..." Namjoon trailed off. I roll my eyes. "What? She's a nerd? So what?" I sighed, slightly slamming both of my hands on the table. "Look, guys, I really like her and my feelings for her are sincere. I'm not like someone *ehem* who's a playboy. Right, Jungkook?"

"You got a problem with me?" Jungkook asked, glaring at me. I chuckled.

"So going back, yes, I definitely like her and if you doubt it, let's just simply say that I see something in her that you guys don't," I continued.

"And addition to that, he has been crushing on her for three years already," Taehyung added. I gave his thigh a hard slap. "Shut up, snake. This is all your fault."

"Tch, either way, they'd still know," Taehyung roled his eyes and continued to dig in on his strawberry yogurt. "At least I was able to keep it for three years." He shruggef and I only glared at him in annoyance.

"Honestly, other than being a 'nerd', Jiwon is actually pretty," Hoseok said. A small smile crossed my lips. I knew that I'm not the only one among us who is appreciating her beauty!

"Alright, alright. We support you, Jimin, and we're happy to know that you actually like someone because of herself and not for her body but the thing is, what if she rejects you? Jimin, we're talking about Jiwon and we all know that she isn't the type who will just say yes to boys like us immediately," Yoongi finally spoke. The other five of them nodded in agreement.

"Jimin actually thinks of that too and I told him to stop fucking around," said Taehyung.

"Then what about Iris?" Namjoon suddenly asked.

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