Chapter 42: Dead End

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Lee Jiwon's POV

The warm steam from my cup of coffee made beads of sweat to form on the area on top of my upper lip as I have kept the edge of my cup pressed against my lips for almost half a minute ㅡ letting the sweet and strong aroma of my drink linger on my nose.

I just got to work and I have to finish a report on the progress of our company as part of my training and this report will be passed and presented later by ten in the morning. I'm currently proof reading after staying up quite late last night and I sure am hoping that this report becomes a success because by doing so, I will be promoted as COO by my father depending on the decision from the board if I perform well later.

Nervous and excited at the same time, those two emotions kept switching back and fort when I imagine myself standing in front of the board as I discuss about the progress and events that occured in the company within the month.

It's only been a few months since I started my training as COO but appa just really believes in me that he didn't really want my training to be too long and by the time being, I will soon own everything if he decides to retire. It's all planned, although originally, Dawon would be the one inheriting the company but he wants to be a doctor instead and appa dislikes the idea of getting into the way of my little brother's dreams.

He was discharged after months of obsevation and recovery after his operation. He is doing well. He is gaining back his weight and energy. He's still on a diet to make sure that he will do well, but he seems to be going back to normal and I honestly miss my bratty little brother.

Appa was silently playing Candy Crush on his phone though while here I am, working my butt off.

Time passed by like a flash of light. Appa called my attention as the meeting will start in a few minutes. We went to the conference room where some people are already waiting inside.

My cold and sweaty hands started setting up my laptop and the projector which will flash the presentation that I made. I'm shaking from nervousness that I fear of people actually hearing my heart pounding from their places.

As the board members complete in the room, I inhaled a deep breath of courage and with a smile, I started my presentation. "Good morning, everyone..."


"You did so great!" My father complimented, proudly, snaking his arm on my shoulders as we walked back inside his office. I chuckled and sighed. "I knew you'd do well. You came from me, of course you'll do well," he added proudly. "You should tell Jimin and celebrate with him."

Jimin? I smiled a sad one. It's been almost two weeks and I haven't heard of him since then when I declined his proposal of marriage. I somehow feel bad, but choosing to fix myself first before us is better. He did offer to help me, but what if while he mends me returns to him breaking apart? I cannot allow that to happen. He knows why I said no and he is aware that I do love him a lot but maybe it just really isn't that easy to accept my rejection. And I do understand why I haven't heard of him since then.

He's always the one to chase me and make big efforts in our relationship. I'm also being unfair to him, to think of it thoroughly, and maybe that rejection really hurt and confused him because he gave his everything to me. But again, the fault is within me and not his so I hope that he won't think that he isn't enough. He is more than enough.

Everyone is clueless. Neither of our families knew what happened despite of the strong connection being that our empires are partners in the business world but yet again, I'm not yet even introduced publicly so no one has an idea about me as Lee Jiwon, Lee Yangwon's heiress ㅡ that includes Jimin's family. Appa wanted to throw me a birthday party wherein I will also be announced as COO and by that, they all finally agreed which ended my training as COO.

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