Chapter 23: Graduates

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Lee Jiwon's POV

A week is already left until graduation. A lot has happened in my life in just a span of ten months. The events in the two first months were my typical days of being the invisible nerd until that day when Jimin and I got paired for a project and when I fell and sprained my ankle. From that day onwards, a lot has changed in my boring life. He made me experience different things and feel emotions that I haven't experienced in my whole life but most importantly, he saved me from myself who was drowning from negativity and broke the walls that I created around me. He made me realize and see my worth not only as a woman, but as a human. He made me feel how much important I am despite of my imperfections and I will be always grateful because of that.

He never got tired of knocking at the door and appreciated me even after knowing what I do to live and so eventually, I found myself falling for him. I never wanted to be attached to someone, scared of being left and rejected but he made me ask myself, shouldn't I give him a chance? I know that it's already difficult for me to trust but shouldn't I open up to someone who's trying so hard to gain it ㅡ that someone who never gave up after I pushed him away for a lot of times?

After letting him enter my life, I saw how I should also take care of myself, worry about myself, and that I shouldn't just worry and think about Dawon. After being a stripper for years, I tried so hard to encourage myself and tell myself that I'm not just a bitch who's hungry for money. A slut, whore, bitch, hoe ㅡ hearing those words thrown at me made me degrade myself especially after being known as the top-selling stripper in the club. It did bring me more money but it also brought me more humiliation as a woman. I tried my best to comfort myself, telling myself that I am still worthy of being respected but I just couldn't until Jimin came into my life. He showed me I have reasons I should love myself.

A lot has changed but I'm glad because he's the one who changed my life. He's the best thing that has ever happened to me.

I sighed and proceeded on walking up the stairs where he caught me and carried me until the clinic. Who would even know that day would be the start of our story.

Almost everyday, he never failed to tell me how much he loves me even though his actions already made me feel how mad and utterly in love he is with me. I hate it. I hate it because he softens my heart with every single thing that he does. I still have trust issues, but from the way he is to me, how can I stop myself from falling deeper?

Arriving inside my classroom, as usual, everyone was noisy and divided into different groups as they talked. I sat beside Jimin while he talked with Jungkook and Taehyung about video games. I pulled out the book that I am currently reading and started minding my own business.

"Even after the finals you're still reading? What did even Jimin see in you?" Taehyung complained. I looked up at him, pushed my eyeglasses up, and smirked at him. "You have no idea," I said, chuckling.

"She's a good kissㅡ"

"Yah, Park Jimin-ssi!" I slammed the table, causing majority of our blockmates to look at me. "The fuck are you looking at?" I raised an eyebrow at them and rolled my eyes afterwards. I'm graduating anyway so I won't bother on being the goody-two-shoes that I've been known for. I mean, let's be real, who cares about my behavior now? And it's not like they even bother to know me better. Only Jimin did.

"Yep, that's the sassy girl that I'm in love with," he proudly said. I flipped my hair to the side and removed my glasses. "Shocking, isn't it?" I asked the two who were left staring at me. I went back to reading my book after.

"Jimin doesn't love you but I do. Please be miㅡ"

"Yah, Jungkook-ah! You wanna die?!" Jimin threatened.

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