Chapter 48: Always & Forever (M)

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Jimin was left dumbfounded. He wasn't expecting for her to be permitting him in this way ㅡ suddenly removing her clothes and asking him to love her ㅡ but nevertheless, he wants it too and he is craving for it.

"Damn it, baby. You never fail to surprise me." He pulled her body closer to him and he kissed her wet and red kissable lips once again.

"Oh," she breathed out after Jimin started to kiss her neck slowly going down to her chest. With every kiss that he made in a certain area was then being sucked and nibbled by his sinful mouth. Every time he changed the location off his lips, he used his tongue to draw invisible lines on her pale skin as if connecting the dots.

She threaded her fingers in his silky, smooth, and black locks as she tilted her head backward to give him more access on her sensitive neck. "Aren't you scared to work tomorrow with hickeys on your skin?" Jimin asked, staring at his masterpieces.

"No." She responded.

"Heck, would you even work tomorrow?"

She glared at him. "Fuck, work Jimin." She took off her bra and leaned forward to his ear. "Love me like you do," she whispered seductively.

He cursed under his breath and switched their places with him now on top of her. "Are you sure? Because if we do this my own way, then prepare yourself, baby, because I swear, you wouldn't be able to walk while I love you fast and rough until the whole Australia knows my fucking name. I can't be gentle."

"That's what I wanted to hear, sir," she teased him which made Jimin curse.

He started to devour her sweet lips, occasionally sucking and biting them at the same time as he was working wonders with her left breast. Jiwon couldn't do anything but to pull his hair due to the heat that his touch and kisses were making her feel.

Then, his scorching lips travelled down her neck to her chest until it reached her aroused nipple. He licked it once, but it was enough to send a sensation to every fiber of Jiwon's being. He sucked it as well as he was also twirling his tongue on it and he occassionally flicks it afterwards. He was merciless ㅡ or is that should he be called ㅡ because he didn't let her other breast free as he was squeezing them and flicking and pinching her nipple.

As he decided to go further down, he used both of his hands to pleasure her breasts until he reached the barrier which was not letting him to fully enjoy her womanhood. He was annoyed by it and so, he decided to tear her shorts off.

He grabbed hold off her panties, pulling the fabric upwards which made it to have contact with her wet genitalia. He moved it up and down and side to side which made the fabric rub into her clitoris. She moaned, delighted, but it wasn't enough to satisfy her.

"Touch me, please," she begged as she slowly puts her hand inside her panties and rubbed herself instead which gave him an idea. Jimin was turned on more to the idea of her touching herself. He always wanted to see that happen and he thinks it is now the moment for that. "Fuck, I've always fantasized you like that ㅡ pleasuring yourself." His eyes growled of lust as he confessed then he completely ripped of her panties. "Touch yourself for me instead," he commanded.

She spreaded her legs open and started to slowly play with herself using her fingers. She was rubbing her fingerpads around her clitoris which also made her vaginal fluids spread all over. "Ohh, fuck," she cursed and used her free hand to grab onto her breast and squeeze it.

Jimin started to palm himself slowly to ease the pain that his erection was giving him. It was a pain of frustration as it was left uncared but he wanted to save it to fuck her hard and good. "Never knew having my fantasies becoming real would be this amazing." He stared at her while she was enjoying herself. It was a feast ㅡ she was a feast.

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