Chapter 50: Unwanted Blessing

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"What time is your flight again tomorrow?" Jiwon asked, lying down beside Jimin who was on his phone again.

He must say that his time was well spent in Australia. He got engaged to the woman that he loves and that's all that matters to him so yep, it is well spent, even if he was just in the penthouse for most days unless Jiwon would take him to some places or if they needed a drink in the bar.

He finally looked at Jiwon and he couldn't help but to laugh after seeing her naked again. "Just why?" He asked, looking at her naked form. Literally, she was naked and does not even have her underwear on.

Jiwon rolled her eyes. "For the past days after we got engaged, I always end up sleeping naked so why else should I put on some clothes now?"

Jimin was laughing which made Jiwon annoyed. She wasn't joking but rather was saying facts. It's a waste of time and effort to put some clothes on if she'll end up being naked the whole night anyway.

He decided to get some of her clothes, leaving her in the bed. She had no idea and only looked at him in wonder as he was walking towards the closet.

He sat down beside her on the bed and pulled her up to sit. He put on a shirt over her naked form, smiling like an idiot. Jiwon didn't know if she should feel glad because of what he was doing or if she should get pissed off because he was still making fun of her.

There is nothing funny about what I did, she thought to herself but she allowed Jimin to put clothes on her as if like a baby.

She was pouting but was also glaring at him and for Jimin, it was a sight worth seeing. She was like a baby throwing her tantrums at him. "I'm sorry, wifey," Jimin cooed at her and hugged her.

Wifey. Since they got engaged, he started to call her wifey and somehow, she is still not used of it. Other than the cute version of their names which they gave each other ㅡ Minmin and Wonwon ㅡ they have never really had an endearment for each. He uses 'baby' but only occasionally unlike wifey which almost replaced her name for the times that Jimin has called her that.

"But I don't want sex. I'd rather cuddle with you because I can no longer do that when I'm back home."

"But you can't have sex with me there too."

He pulled away and gave her a questioning look. "Who said we can't?"

"Huh?" She was clueless.

"Phone sex is a thing, you know." Jimin smirked.

"Phone what? Jimin..." she inhaled in annoyance and glared at him. "Seriously Jimin, stop messing around. If I don't know you, I wouldn't even think you're a CEO with the way you are acting."

He smiled. "It's because I'm comfortable with you. That's what matters, doesn't it?"

Jiwon was somehow surprised with his answer. He was right, and her heart celebrated in happiness. "You're really good at playing with your words, huh?"

He chuckled and made her lie down, kissing her forehead afterwards. "It's the truth, and I will only be saying flower-y words to my woman who is you until you're sick of it."

Jiwon smiled. "I'd love that, hubby."

"Huㅡ" Jimin was frozen from his position as he was about to lie down beside her and his eyes widened in surprise. "Did you justㅡ y-you called me hubby? Is that right?" His heart wanted to jump and dance around. His body was as if a light bulb which was switched on from the switch 'hubby.'

Days of trying to persuade her to call him that yet she never did until he just gave up. It was the very first time that Jiwon called him 'hubby.' He wanted to scream on top of his lungs and strangle someone from too much happiness which he can no longer conceal.

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