Chapter 20: Sexy Chef

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Lee Jiwon's POV

Two more days and we are all back to studying again and since their basketball game is over, Jimin and I are currently here in front of my mother's grave to pay a visit.

"Hi, Eomma. It's been awhile." I told her as soon as I placed down a boquet of flowers that Jimin bought as our offering. I took a sit on the ground. I looked up at Jimin and tapped the space beside me. He sat down.

I started lighting a candle for her. "As you can see, Eomma, I'm with someone. Remember that time when I came here and told you that no one can ever love a stripper like me?" I paused for a moment as if my mom would answer. "I was wrong, Eomma. Someone out there saw my worth, saw me as a perfect woman despite of my imperfections, and saw me as who I am as a whole person. I already talked to you about him especially that time when I was confused with my feelings for him. Here he is now, Eomma. He's Jimin, my boyfriend." My smile became wider as I looked at him. He smiled at me as he held my hand and kissed the back of my palm before looking at my mom.

"Annyeonghaseyo, Eomma." Jimin bowed as a sign of respect. "I'm Jimin and I promise to take care of your daughter. I'll take good care of her heart and I promise to never break it. I can't promise that I won't make her cry, but I do promise to love her like how you loved her with all my life. She was hard to get ㅡ really hard, but it was reasonable knowing what she has been through in her life. I realized, I should love her more, because she deserves it. Everone deserves to be loved, but Jiwon deserves the best and it made me happy when she allowed me to be part of her life." I looked at him and smiled. Do I really deserve him? He's just too perfect.

After visiting, we both came to Dawon's school to pick him up. As soon as he entered the car, he slumped down on the seat and closed his eyes. He looked pale and very tired. He used his arm to cover his eyes but I suddenly noticed a bruise on it.

Is he being bullied?

"Dawon-ah," I called. He took his arm off his eyes to look at me. "Is someone bullying you?" He looked at me in confusion. "No. What makes you think that I am?"

"You have a bruise on your arm." He took a look at it and shrugged. "I may have bumped into something but I didn't notice. Don't worry, Noona. I'm perfectly fine. I just feel quite tired today but I'm alright." He gave me a reassuring smile.

As soon as we got home, Dawon went straight inside his room while Jimin went straight in the kitchen and checked our refrigerator, probably to eat something but unfortunately, I haven't gone to buy anything yet since the month is just ending and I only have some left over just for both Dawon and I.

"No food?" He asked.

"Yeah. I haven't had the chance to shop yet. I still haven't received my salary for this month."

"But you earn a lot."

"You see, Jimin, the money I earn goes to our payment for both our studies, our rent here every month, our transportation fee daily, our essential needs which I buy every month, taxes, uh... add to that the material things that we want to buy. Jimin, I pay for a lot of things and the tips that I get from my clients plus my monthly salary will still be divided into two which are the amount that I will add for our savings and the amount for our expenses in every month."

He blinked, "Wow... that's a lot." I smiled at him and shrugged. "Raising your sibling all by yourself, acting like his mother and father ㅡ yes, that's a lot for me." Jimin walked up to me and hugged me from behind, kissing my temple and squeezing my hand. "You can always ask for my help, Jiwon. I won't offer you money because I know that you won't take it but I want you to remember that from now on, your problems are also mine. Share it with me and I will help you and vice versa, because the moment that we became a couple, we are one, Jiwon. It may not be like married couples being one, but it's us becoming one by leaning on each other." He hugged me tighter as he placed his chin on my shoulder. "Baby, I offered myself to be your shoulder to lean on the moment that I decided to court you."

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