Chapter 44: The Big Revelation

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Lee Jiwon's POV

So far, not-so good but good. I'm trying my hardest to work and at the same time forget about our break up. He kept on calling me for the first three days, but I never picked up at least one of them. What's the point? We're over. Thinking about what Chanyeol told me that night, I still decide to end any of my connections with Jimin. To be honest, turning my back on him wasn't easy but I needed to do it for myself.

When he was with me, I always thought of being okay but that's only until he leaves and I feel that I'm worthless again whenever my episodes attack me. I still get them, but it's unusual that I don't get them often anymore that's why I've thought that our break up was the best decision that I did for myself.

"The neck-line is too low. Please stitch it at least an inch and a half more," I told the designer while staring at myself on the mirror.

Next week will be my birthday and of course, my exposure to the business world as they will meet me as the company's COO and soon, as the CEO once my father retires from work.

Other than the v-neck line of my gown which was too low for my liking, my gown seems fine ㅡ elegant. It's a sleeveless and backless bloody red gown with a slit on the right side which reaches only until half of my thigh.

She nodded. "How about the slit?" She asked. "It's fine." I turned around to ask the person I am with today. "How do I look?" I asked Chanyeol who removed his eyes from the magazine that he's reading.

"Stunning, as always," he commented, making me slightly giggle.

Chanyeol and I bonded after that talk. We've built back our connection but with him only as my friend now. Personally, I think Chanyeol is a better councilor than my psychologist. I'm just kidding. Of course, the professional is still the best option.

I've met Baekhyun during my check up yesterday since Chanyeol came back to the hospital after his leave.

"If it's meant to be, then it's meant to be," those were Chanyeol's last advice regarding my love life.

When I met Baekhyun, I've seen how he was head-over-heels to Chanyeol. They may not know each other for a lot of time but I can really sense the strong connection that they have together.

Base from stories of both side, they both met each other in a beach in Busan while drinking at a bar in a resort then something happened between them (if you know what I mean) and the rest is history. It gives me a fictional BL story vibe but I'm so happy because they've fulfilled my wish of actually meeting a gay couple and being friends with them.

I'm actually a BL fan and back in my years of freshmen, I've been shipping Yoongi and Jimin but they don't need to know that.

Plus, I also ship them ㅡ Chan and Baek. Like, seriously speaking, they look so adorable together.

"But I think they'd look good on Baekㅡ aish! What was that for?" He complained, glaring at me after I threw him the pillow which I grabbed from the couch near me. "Yah, not here. Keep calm, will you?" I laughed at him but this sassy boy only rolled his eyes.

After my fitting, Chanyeol drove me back to the office because his break was over. Luckily, he was nice enough to accompany me and drive me since Appa is with our driver for a lunch meeting with some clients.

"Thanks for the ride. Don't forget to come next week and bring Baek with you!" I excitedly told him. As usual, he flashed me his adorable smile and finally waved his hand good bye. I closed the door and headed in to continue my work.

Papers and reports here and there, I went back to my endless reading and analyzation of reports and products and other paperworks. Somehow, maybe my work drifted my attention away from my condition and I've actually started going to the gym. My psychologist said that it can also help my depression not only because of my mind being occupied by it but also because my body releases the hormones or chemicals called 'endorphin' which relieves pain and stress and it also boosts a person's happiness.

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